Easy Homemade Garlic Salt (You Won’t Believe the FLAVOR!!)

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We love replacing store-bought ingredients with healthy homemade versions, and this homemade garlic salt is our newest …

36 replies
  1. Margaret Thompson
    Margaret Thompson says:

    In restaurant kitchens we peel garlic similarly. Instead of a jar we use two small stainless steel bowls….one inverted over the other with the garlic in the centre of the two bowls.

    Fresh bread will also work to clean the coffee grinder.

  2. TTB
    TTB says:

    If this is made in small batches so it doesn’t lose its potency, can you store extra garlic in some way longer term before making another batch? Can you freeze the garlic (if it is longer than the dry storage shelf life of the garlic)?

  3. Sheryl Walter
    Sheryl Walter says:

    Thank you so much!!! The "L" brand was my Dad's favorite, and the only garlic salt he would use. And it has also become my favorite. I have been looking, and trying to find a healthier replacement for years! I can't wait to try it!

  4. CamperCarl00
    CamperCarl00 says:

    If you're going to go through all of this, buy a large rice cooker and then use the warm setting to make a ton of black garlic. That way you can either use it as is or pulverize it into a powder. Not only does it have its own unique taste, it's a product that would be a lot more expensive to buy from the supermarket.

    Additionally, it might be smarter to buy granulated garlic from the store instead of making your own. It's definitely cheaper and it's actually shelf stable. Not everyone is willing to tie up their oven for a whole day just to make a cup and a half of garlic powder that you have to use within a week.

  5. Sherry M
    Sherry M says:

    You must use one of those tubular things that remove the peel, it will change your life, saves so much time. I'm a bit older than and hestitated buying something else………gracious, you will love it !!

  6. Tom Condon
    Tom Condon says:

    I'm all for your homemade garlic, presumably crushed and dried. I just cringe at garlic salt. I am a bachelor, and cook for myself, often not for cuisine, but for dinner. I have my rituals, and it goes pretty fast and easy. I never buy garlic salt. Why would I buy garlic salt when garlic 8s expensive, and salt is cheap. I buy garlic powder, and I buy salt.

  7. Wolf Enstein
    Wolf Enstein says:

    Slightly off-topic, folks, I was wondering if anyone knows how to make celery salt, my favourite salt for salads? It seems to have pretty much disappeared from our supermarket shelves for quite a while now.

  8. Excalibur 213
    Excalibur 213 says:

    Do you think you would be able to get the same grind using a food processor. I don't have a coffee grinder as we don't drink coffee and don't really want to go out an buy one just for this if my other tools would work. I have a food processor and one those handheld blender devices.

  9. Jeff
    Jeff says:

    For peeling garlic I've found the pinch & twist method works best. Simply grab each clove by both ends, pinch with your fingers as you twist back & forth and the skins come right off. There's no sticky, juicy mess, you just end up with perfectly peeled cloves.


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