Easy Greek Yogurt Recipe for the Instant Pot

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

Easily make incredible Greek yogurt in your instant pot. For a thinner, but still creamy yogurt, adjust how much whey you drain to …

19 replies
  1. Jorge Gonzalez
    Jorge Gonzalez says:

    My favorite new kitchen appliance.>>>ur2.pl/1046 Between this and my air fryer you practically can cook everything. I love that you can sear meat and then pressure cook it rather that dirty another pan searing and adding to a crock pot. I have already given out many as gifts. It’s the perfect wedding, new baby, and off to college gift!

  2. Dylan Welch
    Dylan Welch says:

    To those watching in 2018 with newer models of the instant pot, you will not have an adjust button. It took me longer than I care to admit to figure this out but all you have to do to reach the boiling setting on your instant pot is hit the yoghurt button twice. Tah-dah. Now wait an hour until yoghurt pops back up and follow the rest of the directions.

  3. Julie Caprera
    Julie Caprera says:

    I use raw, cream line milk for really special yogurt. I encourage you to try the yogurt without sweeting it–if you put in fresh or frozen fruit it's SO good, especially if you use whole milk which makes it even creamier. For 1/2 gallon 8 hours works just fine. Tried 10 and it wasn't any different.

  4. Elizabeth Shaw
    Elizabeth Shaw says:

    in the United States the yogurt has to have live active cultures to even be called yogurt. Overseas they can call shelf-stable Yogurt and it has no live cultures. so I wish everyone would stop putting live active cultures if their audience is United States.

  5. Happy & Healthy Lifestyle
    Happy & Healthy Lifestyle says:

    Great video Steph! I don't have an instapot, but have heard great things about it. I made homemade yogurt one time a few years back and really enjoyed it. I think I used a combo of whole milk and heavy cream. Was heavenly and loved that it's just a fraction of the cost of store bought. I think I did buy a yogurt maker and may have to see where I put that, lol.


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