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33 replies
  1. Nancy Trivigno
    Nancy Trivigno says:

    Hello Laurie, 🐶😊I have also transitioned OFF OPTAVIA last month. It seems Keto (low carbs) is sustainable and will help maintain my goal weight. I appreciate your videos and food journey. 🤩👍🤗

  2. pierrette macgregor
    pierrette macgregor says:

    I couldn’t do Optavia either. I thinks it’s all the soy. Been living keto for almost four years but have been faltering for months and gained some weight back. Ten lbs. So with your help going to try the keto-carnevore. I get the jogging of diets back and forth trust me. It’s difficult to keep your head clear If you have these additions. I’m beside you girl!

  3. Kimmie Worsham
    Kimmie Worsham says:

    Laurie.. we are twinsies and I love your honesty. I have been a coach with Optavia for over a year and menopause came in like a wrecking ball! I am 54 and my hormones are ALL over the place. I have no estrogen or testosterone in my system. I lost 62 pounds in a year while on Optavia and after I got married in Sept, i have not been able to stick to it. I have gained back 40 lbs in 10 months. I feel horrible, I CANNOT for the life of me stay on O for more than one day. Sugar demons attack me and i cant help myself. I want to try this Keto/Carnivore for 3 months and try to get this 40 lbs back off of me and I want to start working out. I have been following you for over a year. I understand your situation, no judgment from me and I am glad i am not the only one experiencing this feeling of being out of control. I want to feel better again!!!! I don't mind the O food, but I just cant stick to it any longer. SO THANK YOU FOR BEING REAL….. REALLY I MEAN IT! I love ya sister! Praying that all goes well with the house and that God continues to open every door for you guys.

  4. Christine Ciccone
    Christine Ciccone says:

    Oh just watched the whole thing. Sorry about the Optavia. I feel great on it and it works so well for me. Even if I don’t do it 💯. Carnivore and keto too hard on the kidneys for me. And the cholesterol so bad! Good luck. I would have kept those fuelings just in case lol.

  5. Michelleg_1215
    Michelleg_1215 says:

    So thankful for your honesty. I struggle with diets too. I am 3 weeks into carnivore and feel the best I have in years. Started my period after 3 months of not having one! I plan to transition into ketovore once I get the remainder of my 60lbs off. Have a great day Laurie!

  6. firetopman
    firetopman says:

    I put a small bed of thinly sliced romaine, like ribbons, under all my meat. It's a way to balance the meal and get some more potassium in. I found "all meat all the time" was boring, but to each his own.

  7. Mandy Hazelwood
    Mandy Hazelwood says:

    Looks delicious! I have started only adding sharp or feta cheese to my meals. I feel they make the meals more satisfying and savory. Also, if I’m adding cheese, I want to taste it. I have trouble tasting most cheeses when adding. Thanks for the recipe idea.

  8. Cathy Osborn
    Cathy Osborn says:

    Good for you doing what is best for you. While I know people drop weight quickly with Optavia it truly is not sustainable. Way too low in calories. Any dietician will tell you how low calories diets mess with your metabolism. You are not the first person I've heard talk about the intestinal issues. Enjoy your carnivore!

  9. Laura Funk
    Laura Funk says:

    I totally get it to- I will probably never do Optavia again either – digestive issues with it – terrible gas pains and increased plaque on my teeth! I do basically meat and veggies – gluten free mostly and some fruit. I have been maintaining since last august. Very happy with my eating. I definitely have food addictions too- chocolate- can’t seem to come off of that. Have a great day!! Glad you threw that stuff out – eating real food is best!!🎉🎉

  10. Michele Coccaro
    Michele Coccaro says:

    Hey Laurie! what a simple yet delicious bowl that looks to be! I will for sure try it! I was in Jersey this past week and ate ALL the things, i'm disgusted with myself but its ok, carnivore today and the water will just shred right out! Cant wait to see all of your creations following carnivore. I still love your old chicken tender (mayo and parm) recipe! simple and delish

  11. Anda Silaghi
    Anda Silaghi says:

    I do exactly the same thing carnivore then I miss quest bars 🙄 it’s very hard. Back and forth. Two years ago I was able to stay carnivore for one year straight it was my best year then I started having a quest bar hear and there and sure enough I found myself eating bars quest chips and protein shakes more then meat 🙄. After a year of these fake foods I started being tired and binging on fake sweet foods. I still struggle now I do carnivore for a month then I break and get bars again 🙄 It is quite torcherous

  12. Ann Mittelstadt
    Ann Mittelstadt says:

    Hi Laurie, I totally get why you went back to Carnivore. I've been on Optavi for 8 weeks now and I only lost 20 pounds and I am on a plateau. I told my coach I MISS FOOD!!! She said, well you get 1 meal. I was thinking it's not enough for me. People have energy with optavia, I have none. I've been thinking of stopping optavia because it's expensive. I am going to look into the Carnivore diet. thank you for sharing your video. ❤

  13. Tammy Turner
    Tammy Turner says:

    Laurie, you are such an inspiration to me. Never apologize for doing what is right for you. I believe we are around the same age. This is a unique time in our lives, and I say kudos to you for trying to figure out what works best for your body! I struggle with food addiction; however, I feel like because I have you on this journey with us all, I can and will do this!!! I’m so thankful you are here, Laurie! The information you share and knowledge you have is so helpful to me. I’m a sponge right now! Thank you. ♥️🙏

  14. Kim Compton
    Kim Compton says:

    Yes I always keep feeling that tug towards Optavia but I can’t sustain it so why do I keep trying? I’ve literally tried for over a year to stick with it with no idea why. It’s so annoying. Today I started low carb so we shall see what happens.

  15. Kathy's vlog
    Kathy's vlog says:

    The hunger scale! Yes! I appreciate your vulnerability and authenticity. I continue to pray for you and hope you will beat your addiction. What a huge step in throwing out your “drugs”. Good for you!

  16. Charo O
    Charo O says:

    Hi Laurie. Don’t feel like you are back and forth with diets. I am going through the same thing as you were with OPTIVIA. I feel like I hit my plateau on OPTIVIA and need to do something different. With my IBS I will work on meat and small veggies. Because I had the same GI issues being on straight Carnivore.

  17. Kathy Hudson
    Kathy Hudson says:

    I hear you. I'm trying to figure out what is going to work for me, and be feasible in the semi.
    I would miss the protein shake in my morning coffee, and the convenience of the "fuelings"
    Optavia worked for taking off the weight, and inches, but now trying to transition, I'm not doing so good. Reckon I didn't fix the brain part.

  18. Tammie Himes
    Tammie Himes says:

    I get it… being type one I do various other things depending on my blood sugar… Did optavia but my wallet didn’t like it and it was nice to have prepackaged food temporarily… now I just healthy as I can vegetables fruit and some meat. I don’t think we were meant to be programmed to eat one certain way ❤️.


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