BoxMac 143: Costco, Kraft White Bean, and Kraft Frozen

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EJ brings us a Costco refrigerated prepared mac & cheese, Jon has bought the frozen food service Kraft, and we try the Kraft white bean “nutritious” mac!

23 replies
  1. Mr. Kermy
    Mr. Kermy says:

    To be honest that white bean Mac has been available, at least in my market, for a long time. They actually sell it a bit cheaper than standard. It's very solid stuff and its been my choice for a simple mac. The creaminess is very wonderful on a cold lazy day. Thanks for the new episode!

  2. Matthew Herrington
    Matthew Herrington says:

    There is a mac and cheese themed restaurant near me [in Portsmouth, New Hampshire] called Mr. Mac's. Their website says there is also one in Manchester, Tyngsboro, Mass, and Westford. Besides the classic varieties, they have a "Pulled Pork", "Lobstah", "Bacon Cheddar", and even a "Mozzarella Stick Mac". Has anyone been to one? Are they any good? How does a restaurant survive on serving only mac?

  3. Angie
    Angie says:

    You guys should do a "Junt's cart" for Costco seeing as Frankie's never been. Having also never been to a Costco it would be interesting to see. I see quite a lot of "follow me arounds" done there so they seem pretty chill about filming.

  4. Raggordy
    Raggordy says:

    boxmac before i go to bed! Also next time you have a recipe that goes up on the site as satire, Jon needs to do one of those life stories on how it changed his life and how every little ingredient reminds him of some unrelated thing like you see when you look a recipe up.


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