Breaking! Jason Aldean, Carlee Russell & I are ALL in trouble! Find out here in the open panel!

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Breaking! Jason Aldean, Carlee Russell & I are ALL in trouble! Find out here in the open panel!

28 replies
  1. M Givens
    M Givens says:

    She said she was blind folded but not tied up because they didn't want to leave any marks on her wrists. When I told my daughter this ridiculous story, she said that the woman could've basically escaped whenever she wanted.

  2. rhonda hammons
    rhonda hammons says:

    This channel is YOUR reaction not OURS. We can agree or disagree with you, but we should respect your opinion. The biggest part of this whole scene in my humble opinion is we as viewers liking & following you as a person & as a form of entertainment.

  3. rhonda hammons
    rhonda hammons says:

    The song applies to ALL races!! It’s terrible to infuse race into this song. It’s a shame that people would be offended by someone uplifting law & order? Having good morals? Good over bad? Neighbors protecting neighbors? Shameful in America 🙈

  4. Tidasium
    Tidasium says:

    You asked why did they think it was just white people because the majority of today's society never grew up in a small town or a rural town. They don't know what togetherness is, so the automatically assume that it's some evil supreme pizza gathering. It's sickening that they have gone this far.

  5. Virginia House
    Virginia House says:

    So if they only think this applies to black people seems like that should tell you what they think about black people. Every race commit crimes. Every race. You are probably spot on about the Marxist agenda too. I have no clue about Carlee. I hope they get to the bottom of that.
    Oh goodness. I typed the above before you played the police statement. Oh my. This doesn’t sound good for her.

  6. C Reinicke
    C Reinicke says:

    INteresting commentary.. it's sad that you even have to explain about anything.. I loved the instruments in your background by the way. Be you.. I come to get you.. I know me. I don't always agree.. but that's good.. we all need to hear others opinions.

  7. PNWcruiser
    PNWcruiser says:

    Power lusting political radicals in media, and elsewhere, call everyone they can't control "racist" or one of the other names we've all heard over and over in an attempt to bully others into compliance; which is behavior we expect from children, not adults. They are best ignored.

    Incidentally have you all noticed how viciously they treat black Americans who think independently and speak freely. The ideologues demand perfect compliance from black people and they freak out when they lose control of any black person. All their empty rhetoric about how concerned they are is a nonsense, self serving sales pitch. They care about one thing only…their power.

  8. Joyce Brown
    Joyce Brown says:

    Ok I wish I could sing the Goodness of God for u to hear! Where can I send u a video of me singing it! I am 64yrs old and I don't know anyone who sings like I do! I am a little nobody but God has given me a special voice

  9. mskim671
    mskim671 says:

    Honestly, I was a little skeptical in the beginning, and felt guilty because of my skepticism 🤨. But, now I'm just ticked off and I hope she is billed for all of the overtime for police officers, search and rescue, all government agencies that helped to find her, all K9 dogs who worked overtime searching for her 🤣, all news media coverage, and who ever else helped, worried, and prayed for her. And another thing, I truly believe that money was a strong motive. I think that eventually a go fund me account was going to be initiated, and people would have contributed a considerable amount of money to that fund, and she and her family would have been set! (wow, my imagination is working overtime now 🤣🤣). BRING CRIMINAL CHARGES AGAINST HER!!!.

  10. liebekatz
    liebekatz says:

    I waited until more facts were available before I made up my mind %100. I was 👀 initially, but still gave her the benefit of a doubt until more evidence was provided.

  11. Luke Procopio
    Luke Procopio says:

    It’s truly sad we have people more offended by promoting law and order and good morals, than looting, violence, and desecration of American flags. I’m also one who believes in being offensive, it’s necessary for those who want to engage in honest dialogue about any issues. Those who are afraid to offend can never speak the truth out of fear of backlash. Censorship only creates a rod for your own back to be used by the other side later, it’s always a problem.


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