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Cool Fall evenings call for a comforting, creamy bowl of Vegan Mac & Cheese. This Plant Based Baked Mac & Cheese uses …

47 replies
  1. FacebookQueen
    FacebookQueen says:

    This looks delicious. I have been looking for a filling and tasty meal I can eat throughout the week for work. I love sweet potatoes. Yum. I don’t have an oven but I still want to try this. Great video 😊

  2. Feral Crone
    Feral Crone says:

    All your recipes that include nutritional yeast have been tasty & I've used most of the NY in my pantry. Since I was running low on my supplies I followed your link to order more. I hope the Nooch Licious owners streamline their ordering process, navigating several pages of adverts once I'd decided to order was unexpected and the demand to read "to the bottom" of multiple pages to decline add on products in order to complete my order was a bummer.

  3. Laura Simmons
    Laura Simmons says:

    I absolutely love all of your recipes thank you so much. I just made the sweet potato mac and cheese for the second time and this round I added sauteed cabbage. I just ordered your cookbook your food make me feel so energized and healthy.

  4. Kathleen Collins
    Kathleen Collins says:

    Except for a few followers, I’d love to hear from those who actually made this and give their honest review how you really like it or don’t .,, What was good, missing or great. Not, “I can’t wait to try this.” This just doesn’t help.

  5. jdstep97
    jdstep97 says:

    I'm finished making vegan items to share. I take my food to "the place", and everyone eats all my food, and I have no other options. So, I'll just be eating at home now. If I do go out, it will be solely to socialize with the friend/family, but I won't be eating.

  6. Jean Dixon
    Jean Dixon says:

    Ah, this is for me! Jill, at 2.29 you mention a few ingredients the names of which I couldn't catch (except soy sauce). I'm watching from South Africa and maybe these ingredients are American brand names? I'm mystified and need to know!! ❣️😅

  7. David Michelson
    David Michelson says:

    Was literally just about to look up what recipe to make for a potluck tomorrow, when this video comes up in my subscription feed! I absolutely love sweet potato and Mac n Cheese so I am very excited to make this.

  8. LeeAnnah's Creations
    LeeAnnah's Creations says:

    Thank you, Jill, for a worry-free environment here on your channel. With two little girls who love cooking shows, it's sometimes a "dodge and weave" game with the vocabulary, etc that is used. … Thank you for making this a safe haven for the whole family!

  9. Jill Ponce
    Jill Ponce says:

    I am going to make this for my carnivorous family who will be eating a total vegan meal with us this year. Question- do you think that butternut squash would work instead of the yam? I don’t like yams much, but I don’t want to skimp on taste for my family. What do you think?


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