Beef Rendang Shortcut Recipe – Instant Pot

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Make this mouth-watering Beef Rendang in less time in the Instant Pot pressure cooker. Beef Rendang was voted the Best Food by CNN in 2017. ** SUPPORT …

36 replies
  1. Flo Lum
    Flo Lum says:

    Another recipe less expensive to make at home than to have at a restaurant. I chose to use beef short rib because that's the cut we like but you can easily make this even less expensive by using stew meat. Hope you'll give it a try!

  2. Kathy doubleu
    Kathy doubleu says:

    I'll be making this tonight, I have defrosted stew meat and the sauce came in the mail yesterday . Hope it's not too spicy. Do you think Pearl couscous would go good with this or should I stick to rice?

  3. Home Cook
    Home Cook says:

    Just got your two books for Christmas!! I was wondering what kind of veggies you would serve with some of these type of dishes? Thank you for the wonderful work you guys do.

  4. Jacqueline Chee
    Jacqueline Chee says:

    i am so glad i came across your video!!! Yes, i use the same instant seasoning and add more lemon grass, galangal, shallot & curry leaf!!! I am going to try this using instant pot! Thank you so much for sharing!

  5. Terry Flagg
    Terry Flagg says:

    Hi Flo! I made this Beef Rendang today and it turned out great. We have never had it before, but but we like to try different dishes. My best friend is from Vietnam and her son just married a Cambodian young lady. I gave them an IP and your cookbook for a wedding gift. I sent my friend a link to this video to forward to her son. Thanks for another yummy dish. Have you ever made it with chicken?

  6. Balu Vellanki
    Balu Vellanki says:

    Hi Flo,
    I made this today. It took me 10 mins to sautee onions etc, 30 mins high pressure followed by quick release, another 30 mins to reduce liquid into a nice semi-dry gravy. I used pork shoulder instead of beef (because it was cheaper). Oh My God – it was AMAZING. The taste changed completely before and after reducing the extra liquid. All the meat became semi-crispy as it cooked in its own fat (almost like slow frying?). I served it with tomato rice.

    Thank you very much for this amazing recipe.

  7. Anne Sweeney
    Anne Sweeney says:

    you use a great coconut milk ! I have bought three different cans of coconut milk ,and they never pour out like yours do .thank you! I love your recipes ..I love your videos and thank Dude for being a great camera man

  8. Andy Diamond
    Andy Diamond says:

    Made it to day and it was awesome and really easy to boot. Buying the spice pack off Amazon was a great tip. I wanted to make it last week so I went to 4 asian markets and still didn't find it (so just order it off Amazon). I used plate short ribs ("the good stuff") but, as per anything low and slow, I'm sure a chuck short ribs (a given option in the video), or many other cheaper meats would work fine.

  9. ayronsmama05
    ayronsmama05 says:

    FLO! You think your mouth was watering, lol. I was drooling so bad my dog was backing away from me thinking I was having a manic moment! Adore you and Dude and kids sooo much. Yessss Dude shoveling is the way. Looks soo good!!!


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