Beef and Potato Goulash

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This delicious dish from Northern Italy is a great recipe for weekend family gatherings; it can be doubled easily. Just make sure …

20 replies
  1. Omega Rocha
    Omega Rocha says:

    Buenas tardes, pues se ve muy, muy rico el guisado , lástima que no hay traducción al español, conozco la mayoría de ingredientes, pero si me gustaría y se los agradecería, pusieran traducción de ingredientes, gracias.

  2. PatPat
    PatPat says:

    That loud anoying music is anoying i cant hear you. For that loud dumb anoying so called music im out cause its soanoying id rather hear you then that noice. Sorry cause i love your show but the stress id bothering me

  3. Stuart Rogoff
    Stuart Rogoff says:

    Not kidney healthy. Besides the meat, too much salt. And the potatoes have potassium which is a concern. I’m surprised you said nothing about kidney disease despite over 70% of people have serious kidney problems.


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