Award Winning Pickled Eggs – Kansas 2 time winner

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My “Award winning” pickled eggs are easy to make and super yummy with beer. I won Blue ribbons 2 different years for my eggs …

43 replies
  1. @treborretsnom6186
    @treborretsnom6186 says:

    I'm skeptical about the boil, hard boiled?? 16 eggs 2 minute boil, 8 minutes resting… Also, 4 days on the counter? LoL, what is that about. I feel like this is a good recipe, but the cook is fkn' with some beginners…😅😅

  2. @itzamia
    @itzamia says:

    An old trick I do with boiled eggs is through them in an ice water bath right after you boil them. The shell slips right off. This trick also works with potatoes. The skin completely slips off.

  3. @johnoder356
    @johnoder356 says:

    These are some of the best Pickled Eggs I've ever eat. I didn't like your boiling step with the baking soda and will use my own next time, shells fall off without baking soda. I see why you won a bule ribbon with these, beats the ones I've been making by a mile and will use this one from now on. Thank you ❤

  4. @doorway1111
    @doorway1111 says:

    I shall try your timing as well as the baking soda. What was the vinegar bath for? What was the common pickling vinegar in the old days. Apple cider vinegar 😉 White vinegar kills me for days….arthritis 😖 I've had great luck with other vinegars

  5. @scottking5555
    @scottking5555 says:

    Your description section is the Pinnacle of additional information. I am now going to cut my recipe in half, and then look for a long-term pickled eggs , but your recipe looks so good I'm going to make a dozen, and me and my son will probably eat them within a day and a half


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