Are white potatoes actually healthy? Why does tap water taste bad at the beach? (PODCAST E29)

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20 replies
  1. christopher behrens
    christopher behrens says:

    Too much chlorine or chloramine in your tap water definately has a negative impact on how well your active dry yeast will activate. I worked in a kitchen that had bad tap water, over 330 ppms, dough proofed terribly until I did an experiment using dechlorinated water. The higher amount of ppms in your water generally the higher amount of chlorine or chloramine they put in your tap water. Most of NY tap water is very clean, very little chlorine, this is why pizza dough proofs better than most other pizza places that have bad tap water. If you use instant yeast and mix it with your dry ingredients first then add water last, the yeast seems to proof better. This is from my experience with bread and pizza dough making. It appears when the yeast is in direct contact with chlorine, salt, high heat, or even too much sugar, it will kill the yeast much faster. So clean water is important for active dry yeast, and my opionion important for anything that has yeast in it. It is a living organism in needs to be in a gentle environment. This is based on almost 20 years experience making yeast doughs I'm not a chemist or microbiologist. If the yeast dies before it proofs it will turn into alcohol which makes your bread smell, taste and rise horribly. Alcohol also destroys gluten, which will take away its structure and texture, bad bad news.

  2. Elc-the-Lad [エルちゃん]
    Elc-the-Lad [エルちゃん] says:

    MatPat's Food Theory channel did an experiment about the whole "NY tap water affecting dough" thing. Supposedly the pH level did have an impact, but everyone knows a single experiment is not enough to come up with a proper conclusion, so I'm down to see Adam test it out himself.

  3. タビ
    タビ says:

    I'm no expert, but the glycemic load of mashed potatoes is about 11-12 where white flour is ~58. So I don't know if it's fair to compare potatoes to other "quickly digested carbs"

  4. hanlonn
    hanlonn says:

    perhaps the hudson valley is more new england than midatlantic but just a couple steps westward and you are in Delaware and Susquehanna watersheds and it's more mid-atlantic and appalachian culturally, historically , etc

  5. E. Lycopersicon
    E. Lycopersicon says:

    Potatoes are good
    The commodification of art is bad.
    and this sponsor of yours is the most cynical thing that's ever happened to art.

    You can't pretend to up-lift culture in one way
    while degrading it in another,
    That's just gross.
    Oh and also, when it crashes, and it will crash, you will have cost your minions a lot of money.

  6. Maurice Raat
    Maurice Raat says:

    So I had a question for you. Don't know if you know, but what do you think would be the appropiate amount to chew our food. I read about this Fletchering guy that says you should do it like 30 times on average but… that doesn't sound like proper eating advice for most people who haven't got stomach issues and just want to enjoy their food. Hoped that maybe you'd know more, cause I can't find any other concrete advise other then this Fletchering amount XD

  7. Sam  Thunders
    Sam Thunders says:

    Brooklyn really does have great water n Manhattan for some reasons Queens water is horrible and you hair when shampooed comes out flat
    There pizza sucks too.
    I don't know if there sorces are the same but maybe it's there plumbing
    They people are annoying too that show THE NANNY that's spot on they whine.
    Love your channel Adam all the time

  8. telegramsam
    telegramsam says:

    you can get pretty far on potatoes + dairy, which makes up some of the B vitamin and calcium deficits, which is how the Irish survived under British colonialism until the ptotato blight.

  9. BennyVibbes
    BennyVibbes says:

    I've lived around the sound of Washington, NJ and Iowa. Iowa water is disgusting. Idr NJ water being one way or the other but WA water was pristine, and cold. Recently moved back to the widwest and I miss the water more than most things. Even after being filtred its disgusting

    Fun fact Tacoma, WA is named after Mt Rainier, natively named Tacoma, meaning mother of waters. All the water comes from the mountains.


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