A Southern Sunday MORNING Breakfast LIVE!

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45 replies
  1. Lillie Barnes
    Lillie Barnes says:

    Hi Tammy & Chris that Sunday Breakfast looks Yummy Sure would like One of Them Butter Milk Biscuits & Bacon & a Cup of Coffee u Are an AwSome Cook Girl I would have to Work out in the Gym whn I finish Eating 😂Tke Care u All Stay Safe ♥️🌺👋🏾

  2. Betty Lee
    Betty Lee says:

    Did you know that if you add a little cold water to your eggs, they will be lighter. Also, cook them as slow as you possibly can! They will be done but lighter

  3. Joyce Roberts
    Joyce Roberts says:

    I've watched so many video of you the lilly white flour had me curious. So, I did price comparison. Wal Mart completely out of my price range, however the big "A" is a sure thing.

  4. Randy Stroud
    Randy Stroud says:

    I am loving watching every step in making all of the breakfast, and also how you recooked the roast in the pressure cook. Ya'll are a great couple, and lucky to have each other. I hope you keep this show going even if you make the same things over again! You are seeing me for the first time this week. But you will be seeing more comments. I am now a fan!

  5. Mr. 1000
    Mr. 1000 says:

    I'm from the north, and even though I've lived in several different northern states from the west coast to the east coast, I have never seen anything but 1% cultured buttermilk. So needing full fat buttermilk, after watching a few hundred YouTube videos on Southern cooking, I decided to just add a little half and half or heavy cream to my measured buttermilk, to compensate for the stupidity of northern states.

  6. diane hall
    diane hall says:

    Good Monday morning Tammy from New Hampshire. Baking powder biscuits was the first recipe Grandma Hazel.
    taught me. I only came up to her apron strings! When I asked for the recipe, she'd say, " Its in my head, pay attention!" I will have to get some biscuit cutters. I use a glass. I just love all kinds of biscuits !!!
    We are still attending church on line. I had the H1N1 in 2009, so my PCP wants me to shelter in place. My parents always attended church. And as a child, I remember Mom fixing a nice pot roast dinner, setting the oven timer to come on and we came home to a "devine" meal 🙂
    My Maternal Grandma Hazel was the finest example of a Christian woman I have ever known. It was and honor and a blessing to have her raise me next door! Mom was a nurse, so Gram babysat. She was Baptist farmer's daughter, with a gentle spirit and so much wisdom and compassion.
    Tammy, I sent you an email this morning ( 10/26/20) with photos of our farm. Have a great day! ~Diane

  7. Ronda Ames
    Ronda Ames says:

    I love all three cookbooks; I love watching your videos; I have purchased a lot of the items you use from Amazon; and I’m getting ready to order, big order, from Amazon today (again all your items you use); plus I have the Corsori Air Fryer on the order. I’m looking forward to getting my new items. You are so down to earth making it a joy to watch you. I wish my kitchen was large enough to have a door for another work space. I’m so happy for you getting your new house and all the new furnishings for it. You are so deserving. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March of 2018. I’ve had treatment and surgery. It hasn’t been 5 years yet but I still call myself a survivor. Good for us!!!! Have a great day and again, I love watching you.

  8. Darlene Roberts
    Darlene Roberts says:

    My mama was an awesome southern lady and great cook. She taught me well, but one way we differ is… she would never allow us to use anything but our hands. We get down and dirty in the bowl and rounding out of the biscuits.
    Btw.. love the new kitchen!!

  9. Linda Boda
    Linda Boda says:

    Tammy, do you have to use a sifter, and I wanted to know if you could tell me how to fix my iron skillet? I've tried to season it but it looks and cooks nothing like yours. Lol

  10. Krazy Katlady
    Krazy Katlady says:

    I’m with you girl. I don’t use my microwave for much either. I also only use salted butter.. must be something about us southern girls. Lol I’m so happy to have found y’all on YT, I’m loving to watch you cook. 😊

  11. Frieda Reading
    Frieda Reading says:

    I have started making the biscuits like Tammy! I now use the self rising flour from Walmart, could not find the kind of flour Tammy uses, it still turns out great. I used to buy Bisquick, it is not as good as the self rising flour! Thanks for sharing! ❤️💕❤️💕❤️😍


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