5 Weeks of CARNIVORE KETO [Worse Than I Expected!]

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Hey, Folks! I recently completed 5 weeks of Carnivore Keto for an experiment to try and help me with digestion and getting back to basics…see what happened!

45 replies
  1. Sana Uter
    Sana Uter says:

    I've been more successful with ketovore. True Carnivore just felt too restrictive for me. I also love cheese. I track how much I eat of it, but definitely couldn't do without it. That BBQ brisket looks amazing!

  2. Theresa G
    Theresa G says:

    I have been eating mostly carnivore and I have had no GI issues. I do notice if I eat cheese i get very constipated so I have to keep that on the down low. I like keto sludge for dessert (recipe is under keto chaos). This has been a balancing act since I'm on maintenance.

  3. Anna Boivin
    Anna Boivin says:

    I have been doing Keto since Feb 1. I lost 18 kg (39 lb) in 3 months and decided to challenge myself with Carnivore for May.
    16 days on carnivore I have lost 3 kg (6.6 lb) so far. I started with a 3 day egg diet and have not had a lot of cheese, so less than 1 oz a day, but eating mostly beef. Chicken and shell fish once or twice a week and eggs. I have 1-2 meals a day and like coffee with a little full cream. I still have about 25 kg (55 lb) to lose.

  4. claudia matthews
    claudia matthews says:

    According to Dr. Ken Berry. While on carnivore diet you're eating nutritionally on a higher level so that your body is using almost all you eat. Therefore there's almost no waste therefore less 💩. Once I realized that was true I stopped worrying about my poop 💩 being so little and not every day. Because my normal is meal in meal out.

  5. Keto made easy for dummies
    Keto made easy for dummies says:

    I watched a video by Dr. Berg and he said the reason you don't digest more often on Carnivore is because it's all nutrition and not waste…..It kinda makes sense but if you felt bloated that wouldn't be good…trying to do my own keto journey but I'm over 50 but putting up videos to, it's really hard to do them especially when your older like me, my weight loss is so slow any advice??????

  6. Paul Bain Jr
    Paul Bain Jr says:

    Thank you I realize counting calories is only way to go my body burns 70 80 percent fat because I’m over 200 pounds overweight .anyway. So I’m already on high fat diet my own fat. 😊

  7. Debbie Webster
    Debbie Webster says:

    I'm curious why you chose to stick to only one meal each week? That seems like it would totally take the joy out of eating and be so boring. One of the perks of carnivore is being able to eat whatever animal products you feel like. Glad you're feeling better

  8. Richard Huckelby
    Richard Huckelby says:

    You digestive system will adjust, might take a few weeks….and are you familiar with Kelly Hogan?….130 lbs lost and carnivore for over eleven years… she's on Instagram and also YouTube….

  9. Marisa Jürgens
    Marisa Jürgens says:

    Hey Ally, btw way I found an interesting video for you:
    A different kind of approach on Egg Fast from Low Carb Love (she switches between keto and low carb, and has also lost and maintained her weight). One month ago she had a guest, and gave the new approach to the regular Egg Fast. Hope you give us your opinion on it, and maybe try it out 😉 Lots of blessings

  10. Mog X
    Mog X says:

    When I started I remember you saying the whole point was never to feel hungry. It does make you miserable.

    Glad you're back to lunch and dinner. I personally think the fasting bit is a little ott. Dr Phinney showed some concerns about it esp the longer periods of fasting. At the end of the day eat when your hungry is the best advice.

  11. Connie Wyatt
    Connie Wyatt says:

    First, I am an old lady, so my experience maybe totally different from yours. I have always been one to have chronic diarrhea and would be joyful to have anything close to normal. I have been doing Keto for a year, and recently slipped into doing a more carnivore diet, but still drinking my beloved coffee! I am feeling so much better in a lot of ways. I am only in my second month, so I hope things continue to improve for me. But, I am having the most normal BM’s than I ever had! It’s making me laugh! I hope it continues for me! Next, I wanted to share with you something that I have learned along the way! We are all just so different! I have become so aware that what works for one person, doesn’t always work for the next person! It’s called chemistry! I liken it to DNA, because we are chemically so different, different allergies, and other health issues, as well as age, and gender. So, what works for you, may not work for me! It’s not a good idea to be mandatory about food! I really enjoy your videos and your experiences with all of this, and I wish you very good health! ☕️🫖🍳🥓🧀🧈😘

  12. Randall Fox
    Randall Fox says:

    I've been carnivore since August 4, 2020. I am down 104 pounds so far. All my pains have gone away. I still have 50 pounds to go. My digestion is really good. I go #2 about every three or four days. I used to go everyday when eating SAD. I love not having to go every day. My body is using all my food as energy and fuel.

  13. kevin
    kevin says:

    I've always been confused why people think they need to poop everyday. If you're eating the right foods there's no need to be pooping that much as poop is just the refuse and stuff your body doesn't need. I've pooped maybe once every 3 to 4 days for years while at the same time losing 150 pounds.

  14. Alice Gunn
    Alice Gunn says:

    This video helped me out alot. You gave me great ideas on some meals and basically said what I was thinking myself about the intermittent fasting. I've changed up my fasting and dont do it every day. I keep my metabolism on its toes because I just go with the flow of when I "really" feel hungry. I may do OMAD or 2 meals a day… if you listen to your body it will tell you what to do

  15. Belva Dalidowich
    Belva Dalidowich says:

    I am on Keto and Intermittent fasting and have been since March. I don't do any of the keto desserts, fat bombs or anything like that at all. I'm 77 so weight is coming off slowly but it is coming off and my blood sugar is returning to very near normal. BUT digestive issues. Pain and constipation. It keeps getting worse. I have to take stool softeners. I love this diet and it is easy for me as is the fasting but if these other issues keep up I'll have to stop and that will stop my weight loss as I have tried everything for last twenty years to lose and never lost a pound. I lost 24 pounds so far since the end of Feb. beginning of March so this is working. Any suggestions for me?

  16. Bobbie Jz
    Bobbie Jz says:

    I cannot do intermittent fasting . When I do eat I get stomach cramps and issues . If I eat every few hours problem solved . You get a gastric dumping syndrome .

  17. Shirlyn’s Sleeve
    Shirlyn’s Sleeve says:

    Carnivore is any animal products so I use dairy as well. I use it for a month cut now and again but eat Keto normally. I drop tons of water the first week then it slows down. Eating carnivore you will not have bowl movements as often as your body will utilize the food with little waste, that’s normal.

  18. Zephyr OnFire
    Zephyr OnFire says:

    Hi Ally! I’m new to your channel & I just adore your fun-loving, positive,e easy-going approach to keto, carnivore, Ketovore…you get me. Haha! The weight you lost is mind-blowing…you are an incredible inspiration! ❤️ May I ask, in your 5 weeks of carnivore, did you notice any differences in your clothing or even on the scale? -Three are a lot of people who are now saying that even with carnivore and their own personal macros, they can’t seem to lose weight. It’s a confusing subject sometimes, in this regard! Anyway, so many blessings to you from Alberta, Canada! ❤️-Mary

  19. Jocm2225
    Jocm2225 says:

    I have also been advised to Not eat anything more than 3 days in a row. I have found this made a difference also… I have fallen in love with the freezer

  20. Jocm2225
    Jocm2225 says:

    I was advised by homeopathic doctor to follow Paleo plan. My stomach and digestive issues went away!!! I had issues for about 8 months before going Paleo way


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