4 Quick and Easy 15 Minute Air Fryer Recipes

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Need something to eat FAST? Enjoy these four QUICK and EASY Air Fryer Recipes! Get My Air Fryer Recipe Cookbook …

33 replies
  1. wondernessful
    wondernessful says:

    I’m a mom of 2 to 3 year old twins. They’re still so little so their vocab limited. I will say your kids definitely teach me the new lingo like bussin (sp?)😂 I feel hip and old watching your kids speak 😂

  2. Diane C.
    Diane C. says:

    Hi Cathy!!! I was looking for your video earlier. It just came on my phone now…Your recipes for today all look really delicious. I will have to try these. My kids will enjoy all these also. YUMS!!!…Great Video!!!…🦋

  3. Julia Bartell
    Julia Bartell says:

    Love your channel – appreciate that it is a family business – just being honest – I appreciate kid's ratings – I am not sure I need to see them eating. It sometimes turns me off to wanting to make the recipe.

  4. Karen Polansky
    Karen Polansky says:

    Even this Canadian has used hoisin sauce many times and I love it. My only problem with that recipe is the peanut butter because of my allergy. I’m not sure what else would give it that creamy nutty flavour. I seem to be able to eat cashews. So maybe I can try grinding some up.

  5. Mewregaurd Hissyfit
    Mewregaurd Hissyfit says:

    That "Asian spaghetti" looks really good. I don't care for that much Siracha though, probably 1 teaspoon would work for me.
    I love asparagus, so anything with asparagus would be great for me.
    For the stuffed mini peppers, I'd prefer stuffing jalapeno peppers, and use a teaspoon of taco seasoning in the refried beans.

  6. Pat Gaver
    Pat Gaver says:

    Kathy, Your recipes are great and I really like your videos. Please ask your kids to close their mouths when they are eating. It is so gross I may have to stop watching.

  7. EmmaLolaHarley
    EmmaLolaHarley says:

    I've always wondered why you don't like to pre-heat? Why is that a negative for you? You wouldn't put something in a normal oven without pre-heating and expect it to cook within the expected time. Why's it any different with an air fryer? Are all of your recipe times for starting with a cold air fryer? Just genuinely curious. I really enjoy your videos, just wondered.

  8. Pat Peters
    Pat Peters says:

    I never throw out the seasoning packets, I use them when I make homemade soup. Waste not, want not.😋
    I chop and save the asparagus bottoms for the soup. It imparts vitamins to the broth.

  9. Gail
    Gail says:

    Hey kiddo! Here in Southern California, hoisin sauce is practically used as much as catsup, mustard and soy sauce so I always make sure I have it in refrigerator/or pantry…but what really caught my attention was the recipe for the stuffed mini sweet peppers! I also always have them in my refrigerator to slice up for salad, etc…Need to rewatch you making them so I don’t miss anything…love watching your new ideas every Saturday!!!😘

  10. Tom S
    Tom S says:

    I appreciate how you use your air fryer – but I have to ask why you use only the 'first grill' so many times? I always use the 'second' grill since that is what fries the food really.


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