2021 Holiday Grand Plan – Week 7

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

It’s Guest Room Week, y’all! A Month of tried and true instant pot/slow cooker freezer meals …

4 replies
  1. Wanda J.
    Wanda J. says:

    Wanted to let you know that I am following this plan. Your voice is fantastic 💖. However, I reside in Canada and tomorrow is our Thanksgiving! I am way behind for that but feel like I am good to go for Christmas. Thank you for sharing your journey with us… blessings to you and yours💞

  2. Norma Jean Sicard
    Norma Jean Sicard says:

    Hi Shirl! I got off track last week. I didn't get done what I wanted to get done so I'll just move it to this week. No big deal….right? I started the guest room last week. Just need to do the windows, blind, vacuum and hang the curtains (I washed them the other day and they are just laying across the bed….just waiting…lol). No cleaning tomorrow as I will be going Christmas shopping with one of my sisters…hoping to knock maybe five or seven more off my list. I'll get back in cleaning mode on Tuesday with the hall and finish the few things in the guest room. I can't say that I have THAT neighbor….but that would drive me crazy, too. Some people just aren't happy. I hope you have a great week!


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