1 Dollar Kung Pao Chicken | But Cheaper

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You order delivery Kung Pao chicken for more than 10x the price of this homemade Kung Pao chicken. Don’t worry, I will show …

49 replies
  1. Capt Steve
    Capt Steve says:

    Made Kung Pao chicken many times over the decades but this recipe is by far the easiest and more flavorful. Turned out perfect. My only complaint? Joshua, don’t talk so fast. Slow down. Speed kills !!

  2. WaitHereIveGoneToGetHelp !
    WaitHereIveGoneToGetHelp ! says:

    I really don't get the whole 'it has to be cooked in a wok!' thing. Hot metal is hot metal. If you have an induction hob, a wok is not a good choice, and having cooked both with woks and just your usual frying pans, there's literally no difference in the finished product.

  3. Paul Fogarty
    Paul Fogarty says:

    I got kung pao chicken the other night and although the flavour was beautifull, the coating on the chicken was slimy, like slivers of jelly fat. Kind of turned my stomach. Is this normal ?

  4. Pteromandias
    Pteromandias says:

    Suspiciously not mentioned is how many servings it makes. Closest way I was able to make it work is 6 servings. That's a lot of servings for that little bowl at the end. I could probably eat the whole thing on my own.

  5. Uwe Schroeder
    Uwe Schroeder says:

    I would never buy boneless, skinless thighs. Not only are skin on, bone in thighs usually much cheaper, they also provide the added benefit from a soup or stock using the bones and nice chicken fat by rendering the skins – and yes, you can freeze skin and bones until you have enough to make it worthwhile.

  6. Rose Dizon
    Rose Dizon says:

    Thank you for showing appreciation and respect to our favorite dish without adding unnecessary stuff like potatoes, carrots, etc that I watched in some videos in horror and indignation…😳😠😛
    Your video/recipe is one of the nearest to what it should be as done for generations in most places in our country.. maybe except for the sugar and 2 kinds of soy sauce as we only have one kind and yes Silver Swan is one of the best brands for Filipino cooking soy sauce though… a bit of sugar can be added esp when kids are eating it and it really makes it glossy and tempers the saltiness from the soy sauce… Yes,, keeping it marinated overnight is the best…
    I know My Kapampangan Mom and Tagalog Aunts would have given you a big thumbs up 👍.watching this.. Enjoy!! 😋

  7. Bb8
    Bb8 says:

    love your vids…and. love all kinds of music but after watching 10 of your videos in a row….the intro/ending trap beats get repetitive and honestly annoying…could you switch it up from time to time?


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