Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health | Dr. Neal Barnard of PCRM

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9 replies
  1. Sheila Yungk
    Sheila Yungk says:

    I have another comment about soy. I heard that Monsanto had sprayed a lot of soy. Can you have soy if it’s organic? I also had the impression that soy was not good for us because it affected our estrogen levels in a bad way. Can one have soy milk even if it is processed?

  2. Sheila Yungk
    Sheila Yungk says:

    I was on a vegan diet and could not lose weight. A few months ago I went strictly carnivore. I had been on Atkins in my twenties and lost weight and felt great. I cheated on it though. Some nights I had peanuts with chocolate drizzled over them cause I was hungry and didn’t want to eat meat whenever I was hungry. I had been pretty much vegan for at least 10 years before going carnivore. Now I’m trying to go back to a plant based diet. However, I have questions. Why is it that some Doctors like Ken Berry, who promotes carnivore and keto over plant based diets, say that we should eat low or no carbs so that we don’t create insulin. The keto and carnivore diets are suppose to have the fat so the body uses fat instead of glucose for energy. I guess the question is which is healthier to use for energy. Glucose or fat???

  3. mac
    mac says:

    Are cheerios good for you? I'm kind f doubtful I have yo make some serious changes in order to survive the next ten years .my a1. C is a six .I feel like I'm dying everyday


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