WW Zero SmartPoint Turkey Breakfast Sausage !

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This recipe gives me so many options !!! Yummmm Turkey Sausage: http://skinnyms.com/skinny-breakfast-sausage/ Tune into my channel for weekly, Weight …

24 replies
  1. Tom Hayes
    Tom Hayes says:

    Very delicious! FYI sage is used for anything poultry. I always sprinkle my Thanksgiving turkey with sage as well as other turkey uses during the year. I have it growing outside like a bush (I live in Fort Lauderdale, FL), so I never have to buy it. In fact most of my herbs grow here at home and I'm always having to cut them back and give to the neighbors. In the SW sage grows wild on the dry deserts. Why does SkinnyM calculate 2SP per pattie when you say this is a zeroSP recipe? Keep up the good work Kim. -Tom

  2. Kathryn313
    Kathryn313 says:

    I make stuffing using turkey breast sausage, Healthy Life White Bread, poultry seasoning, sage, and Better Than Bullion Chicken. Just idea for your sage seasoning. I make this at Thanksgiving and Christmas 🎄 Plus salt and pepper to taste

  3. Kim Griffin
    Kim Griffin says:

    at the risk of sounding dingy do you cook the meat until the water is gone or do you strain the meat? Im with you I use gloves because I hate touching raw meat ( shutter ) Yuk!

  4. Candace Atkinson
    Candace Atkinson says:

    I have been making turkey breakfast sausage using Fiesta Pan Sausage Seasoning I found on Amazon. It is DE-licious! FYI it does contain MSG if you are sensitive to it. One bottle makes 8.5 lbs of sausage! Thanks for all your great tips.😉

  5. Kathy
    Kathy says:

    I finally started buying the food grade gloves to use when I make meat balls or hamburgers etc. Keeps my hands clean , and especially helpful if my phone rings, I just take a glove off .

  6. MetalScrappinChick
    MetalScrappinChick says:

    I love getting my hands into meat lol. Just this evening for dinner I made Salisbury steaks. I had to mix an egg, breadcrumbs, soup mix, and seasonings into ground beef. I just love how it feels as it's squishing between my fingers lol 😁.

  7. M D
    M D says:

    The ROCK pans are my absolute all time fav too !! I bought a second one so I have two ! I wish they made cookware like pots. I always love your recipe ideas ! Thanks for posting ! 🤗

  8. Dianna
    Dianna says:

    Thanks for sharing. I will have to make this.
    I love the chopping tool. I saw yours and went out and bought one. Wow, what a great difference when cooking ground meat!
    Thanks again.

  9. Sarah Dufour
    Sarah Dufour says:

    Looks good! I’ve made a similar recipe it’s pretty tasty and I love that it’s 0 points. I also hate putting my hands in raw meat I think you would have to be a little strange if you liked it! 😂😂😂


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