World-Class Beef Pho Secrets Revealed

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A comprehensive guide to world-class beef pho at home! Pho Bo is one of the most popular dishes at every Vietnamese …

43 replies
  1. Matthew Venezia
    Matthew Venezia says:

    This might be my favorite YouTube video ever! Pho is my favorite dish and I'm so excited to to try this recipe. Now we just need a recipe for the chili oil that is served at a lot of Pho restaurants, which is different and more simple than the Chinese style chili oil that is getting popular. You are right about the sriracha and hoisin having no place in a broth that good, but it's still good to have to dip your meat into.

  2. UTeewb
    UTeewb says:

    I swear Pho restaurants must be getting their bones at a massive discount compared to what we can get in North-East. Pho may be the only dish that actually costs more at home than in restaurant. Though your bone prices do look much better in Texas!

  3. Charles Savary
    Charles Savary says:

    Worth the wait! (Under breath): ya lazyazz mother BLEEEEP!

    And I LIKED your video, meaning I hit the “LIKE” button this time! 😂 I’m sorry…I’m one of those idiots that always forgets to do that. But I swear I know what a HUGE difference it makes and I’d really like to see you blow up (figuratively of course) and be around a while. Nice job!

  4. Joon Kang
    Joon Kang says:

    Something so simple yet requires so much work!!! I always thought Pho wasn't my cup of tea, seeing this video I realize a lot of these Pho joints just ain't putting in the work!!!

  5. Linda Hoang
    Linda Hoang says:

    Thank you for this, Jason! I am half-Vietnamese and have never made pho myself. I'm so so so excited to try your recipe and hope my relatives from Vietnam will visit one day to try it!

  6. radwizard
    radwizard says:

    Your channel is amazing! I can't wait to try to make some of these recipes! Going to try to make the egg rolls later this week. Your videos and artistic approach is absolutely excellent! These videos definitely make my hungry. I hope you make a sarku mall chicken teriyaki video in the future. Thank you for your hardwork!

  7. Paul Stevens
    Paul Stevens says:

    This looks amazing and I can’t wait to try it, thank you for the recipe!

    I was wondering, do you think it’s possible to make a version of your pho and ramen recipes that are say, 80% as good for 50% of the effort? I’d love to give my kids a taste of homemade pho and ramen, but it’s really hard for me to muster the time to make the full version of the soups over a couple days, knowing that they may not even like it.

  8. Aaron
    Aaron says:

    Pho is very popular here in the Twin Cities, we have a large and very established southeast Asian community here. I would love to make it myself but it's just such an affordable simple pleasure to have it out. There is absolutely no better remedy in the middle of our miserable winters when you have a cold and nasal congestion–that is when I will add some sriracha, chili oil, and lots of extra lime juice. I love this soup so much; every shop that serves it here in the TC has its own signature flavor. That said, this video is AMAZING (as usual), I can only hope the pho shops I get my soup from go to these levels of flavor extraction for their broth! (Probably not? I might be better off blissfully uncritical?)

  9. Sang Nguyen
    Sang Nguyen says:

    He nails all the technique right. Here some tips:
    _Not all rare beef are the same, some will taste acidic, some will taste sweet and it will affect the final broth
    _Slim pho noodle will hold more flavor than flat one
    _You can add some extra ingredient, say white radish for natural unami, pineapple for natural sweet (be aware of the amount you add since you don't want your pho taste too sweet), weed :)) (if you can get it, 2 flowers for 1kg of bone) just for some extra extra flavor
    _If you leave alone and cannot afford big pot, oven, just use a pressure cooker, set if cook the bone (after you pre-cook, wash it) for 1h, leave it there for 8h then add ingredients later, done
    Fun fact: chinese use Vietnamese Pho Noodle as VPN term to escape censorship. They even have a minecraft sever for porn and youtube stuff :))


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