Wood Fired Pizza Made From Scratch

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So you can make pizza many ways. But to me the most fun is with a Wood Fired Pizza Oven. In this video I make a delicious …

44 replies
  1. John Davidson
    John Davidson says:

    I agree all kinds of pizza are good pizza, but a meat pizza is best. Or maybe a house special too. Lately, I've been making personal pizzas using Naan bread for the crust. It really comes out pretty decent. Preheat oven for 20 minutes, par-bake the Naan Bread for 5 minutes or so, add sauce, toppings, cheese and cook for another 15 minutes or so. Depending on the toppings, it can be a 2 dollar pizza.

  2. Jacob Douglass
    Jacob Douglass says:

    You're one of the few chefs on YouTube that I trust along with Refika. I feel sometimes many chefs hold back on their recipe. I know that they don't want to disclose everything since it's their secret but I look at is being deceptive and therfore I can't trust and won't watch. The way I know there's deception is that when I make their recipe it doesn't taste as good as it should. Also because the ingredients being used are basic or bland. But with you I see sincerity

  3. Ralph Francis
    Ralph Francis says:

    Start the fire in the middle of the oven, give it 20 minutes or so, then move the fire to the left, place the basket to hold it there, and clean the bricks off. You'll get a much better crust. I have that exact oven. I pump pizzas out in about 90 seconds. I have yet to learn how to control a lower temp yet with it though.

    T-ROY COOKS says:

    That pizza oven looks nice and the pizza looked mighty fine Ry!!! Homemade meatballs and sauce along with that dough recipe are a sure winner. Great video my friend!!! I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  5. Lolindir Surion
    Lolindir Surion says:

    I have a much smaller pizza oven than that, but you get great pizza in it. I ferment my dough for 3 days in the fridge. Its a noticeable difference. I really like what the fermenting do with the dough. Will be exciting to see what else you will do with the oven.
    A channel I love for woodfired ovens are "The Wood Fired Oven Chef". Should have a look for some inspirations.

  6. Rex Crum
    Rex Crum says:

    This looks great, Ry…Have you ever tried cooking a steak in the pizza oven, like how some steak houses will grill up their steak quickly in 700°, or higher, ovens? I have a pizza oven adapter I use on my Weber Kettle and have thought about using it for a steak…But haven’t gotten the guts yet to try.

  7. Thomas Telleman
    Thomas Telleman says:

    Nice looking pizza! I also always make my pizza dough the day before. But I make the sauce from canned whole tomatoes (preferably Italian San Marzano if I can get them) which I blend into a sauce. Really tasty, would recommend that over purée or paste.

  8. Brian Baird
    Brian Baird says:

    I got lucky my dad in the 80’s 90’s and 2000 before he was killed in a car wreck he worked at domino’s and papa john’s so he taught me at a young aged how to work the Pizza dough and toss it too

  9. Norway
    Norway says:

    Great video! But… —you're burning White Oak!!? That's like burning GOLD! Alright, so there is no oak in Arctic Norway, and definitely not any ("Old Ironside") White Oak! You're truly blessed to have so much of it, you can fire an incredibly delicious looking Pizza with it! Thanks, Ry! You did it again, Sir! You made me HUNGRY! 😂 👍 🇺🇸🇳🇴

  10. Chris Droblyn
    Chris Droblyn says:

    Thanks Ry. Now I need to make pizza on the grill. Lol! I wanted to throw out there that regular cast iron pan is safe for those temps but enameled cast iron is only good to about 450 deg.


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