Why spaghetti squash kinda sucks (and what to do about it)

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Why spaghetti squash kinda sucks (and what to do about it) Links to some of my fave squash recipes & vids: VID: 3 Kabocha …

24 replies
  1. workingclasscook
    workingclasscook says:

    I used to think the same thing about spaghetti squash, but recently tried a casserole recipe that changed my mind. I don't see this dish as a pasta replacement, if we want pasta we will have pasta, but it's a really nice side dish for a chicken dinner.

    Spaghetti squash seems kinda potato like and this dish reminds me a little bit of scalloped potatoes au gratin, (which we eat those too). The author of course states spaghetti squash replaces pasta in this dish, it does not, so don't go into it with that in mind. (Also I used cauliflower instead of broccoli because I have an elderly picky eater, but she loved this dish and I'm always excited when I can get her to eat vegetables).

    I think my comment got deleted because of sharing the link to the recipe. Oof.

    You can find the recipe on Eatingwell it's called "Low Carb Broccoli & Cheddar Casserole." Note that I do not eat low carb, I love all the carbs.

  2. Naoma R
    Naoma R says:

    Best way I’ve had spaghetti squash:
    Wash. Cut it in half. Remove any seeds. Put the halves open-side up (rind down) in a baking dish and put a few tablespoons of butter into each half (depending on size of squash) and salt to taste (or salt after baking, whatever’s easier).
    Season as desired. I like chili powder and garlic, or cinnamon and nutmeg. A little brown sugar can be nice on either. (But just butter and salt is really good as long as it isn’t undercooked.) Just season before cooking so the flavors can mingle.
    Cover the dish, each half, with foil to prevent it drying out.
    Then bake until tender. (About 60 minutes at around 350-375F.)
    🤷🏻 Maybe I’m biased because I grew up with this, but I’ve always loved spaghetti squash. To me, it’s a side, like peas, not a “healthy alternative to spaghetti.” (I think zucchini is better for that, personally.)

  3. criticallyokay
    criticallyokay says:

    if you do ever find a great way to make it please share it! we eat spaghetti squash and zucchini noodles in our family as pasta substitutes because of diabetes since spaghetti squash has a lower carbohydrate count compared to other squashes. but I prefer salted zucchini a lot more because of how watery the spaghetti squash always gets and how weirdly crunchy it is. maybe it might make a good sauerkraut??? anyway love your videos and have a nice day!

  4. Betty
    Betty says:

    This is so true. I la la love winter squash, except for spaghetti squash. It's just ok. I was totally going to say to maybe try to crisp it up like a latke, and then you went ahead and did it!! ha ha, great minds.

  5. D S
    D S says:

    I love buttercup squash (not butternut). It's sweet, just a little less sweet than a sweet potato. Sadly, I can only get it in the fall at my local grocery store.

  6. Peter Maharajh
    Peter Maharajh says:

    😂 you are always entertaining! Your chickpea juice video is still my favourite though hahaha.
    I love how unpredictable your shows are!
    I’m unfortunately now always going to call it a princess pumpkin…😊

  7. Erin Chamberlain
    Erin Chamberlain says:

    Bwahahahaha hahahaha YESSSSSS! Thank you for finally saying it. It's the worst. I was on a low carb diet for a while and tried so hard to make it taste even remotely good. It sucks so bad 😂. It's spaghetti in name only because it's stringy or something. I was going to suggest ringing out as much water as you can but I saw you did that at the end of this video. I swear you would be my best friend in real life lol. I even tried to make lasagna with it. Nasty 😂.

  8. Nina D
    Nina D says:

    THANK YOU!! I have been saying for years: JUST EAT PASTA. Spaghetti squash, "zoodles", ENOUGH! There is nothing that is "just like" pasta. It bugs me just as much as those overly processed frankenfoods that "taste just like" meat. I do eat spaghetti squash on occasion, but not as a substitute for actual spaghetti. Thank you for being a voice of reason on the interwebs!

  9. Angela P
    Angela P says:

    I'm not averse to eating spaghetti squash. On those rare occasions when I buy it, I mostly eat it on its own but with some butter and a little seasoning. Like you, I have never, ever been satisfied with trying to use it as a spaghetti/pasta substitute. I can deal with its shape/texture … but it is far too sweet to be a pasta substitute. There's no comparison!

  10. eric raffle
    eric raffle says:

    you need to roast it face down in a cast iron pan…olive oil/pepper/salt…carmelize the heck out of it. It becoems intensely flavorful, and not watery/runny (like) the one in your vid. I do serve it with Sausage, meatballs (with sauce)…. I'll serve it as a side je=ust as I would with Butternut and acorn.

  11. Tom Long
    Tom Long says:

    So much to love about this video. I've given spaghetti squash a lot of chances, and now I can feel like it's not my fault that I'm always disappointed. The way the mini-recipe at the end turns out "ok" is great. Now I need to go out and pick up some acorn squash.

  12. Taricus
    Taricus says:

    There are certain things that go well with spaghetti squash. I tried using it like they say in recipes, but I was unimpressed for the same reasons as you. I used to eat it a lot though. If you just top it with veggies that pair well, like black olives, sweet bell pepper, etc. and just drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper, it's actually good. I would just eat it straight out of the husk like it was a bowl with the toppings. It's also good cold later with those toppings (I would eat one half and put the other half in the fridge to eat the next day cold with toppings). I wouldn't use them like they were noodles with spaghetti sauce or whatever. That's always just meh…. It's not bad, but it's not good, either… It's just edible food… LOL! I think people just do all that crazy stuff, because they want to make it seem like it is a more substantial meal than it is. It is low in calories for how filling it is (due to all the fiber), so they're trying to make it feel like it's something else that they like–such as pasta LOL! –of which it is not…


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