Why do we roll up cakes?

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Full episode: https://youtu.be/abPN-x-Ydjc #shorts.

39 replies
  1. Tiffany Holman
    Tiffany Holman says:

    You gotta roll it in a tea towel till it's cooled off, then unroll it, fill it with something more viscous and smaller dice, then roll it up. The towel absorbs excess moisture from the sponge and helps form it before you fill it.

  2. Geneva Cacioppo
    Geneva Cacioppo says:

    Cake recipe needs tweaking. Either not cooled enough, too cooled, or needs more simple syrup soaked in first if it’s a dry sponge. Or try with almond flour. (I went to pastry school). Good luck!

  3. Sub Roy
    Sub Roy says:

    A trick I once learned is, instead of the powdered sugar, make a small amount of simple syrup and drizzle it on top of the cake before you roll it. This makes the cake moist and easier to roll 😊 I've only made one rolled cake and it worked well with this method. I ruined it while trying to transfer it from the tray to the fridge tho lol but it was unrelated to the rolling process 😂

  4. M D
    M D says:

    No, no, no! You should roll the sponge by placing on a teatowel soon after taking out of oven. Roll lightly preferably with a light dusting of sugar. When ready to use unroll carefully, spread filling and roll back up LIGHTLY.

  5. HI
    HI says:

    i have custard filling in my refrigerator waiting for me to make that roll cake —> I'm scared. I need to nail it first time my pantry is running low.

  6. may
    may says:

    Over filling it. Roll it with the longer end of the rectangle towards you Use a towel bigger than the roll. Dust it with icing sugar so it doesn't stick. Leave the last 4 inches with no filling because it slides. I suggest learning with lemon curd or whipped cream. I've worked with chefs who made this look as hard as you do.

  7. Janelle
    Janelle says:

    hehe that's horrible!!! I'm making soap for the church bake/craft fundraiser lol my first batch did not set!!! If it makes you feel better. Whipped soap body butter 😄 this is the new time. (4hrs ago… I'm so late) "I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!" 🤨 loves it 👋🏼

  8. Harpeia
    Harpeia says:

    Rolled a few in my life but… still don't get why it's done other than to visually amuse. Once you establish yourself as the tastemaster, nobody will care how you present your meals.

  9. faeryglamer
    faeryglamer says:

    Because of you, I made boef bourg for the first time yesterday. While it was Not a fail, it wasn't perfect, and it bothered me less because I know others are out here screwing it up too. I'm buying a jelly roll pan next 😆

  10. rzentz
    rzentz says:

    You may be rolling it the wrong way, I think it’s more successful rolling on the long side, not the short. Then you have too much filling. But it’s way funnier your way 😂

  11. Calamity Jane
    Calamity Jane says:

    Some cornflour in the sponge mix will make it easier to roll (it will stop it cracking). Also best to roll the sponge once before it cools and before you add the filling. The strawberries need to be chopped a lot smaller or better yet use strawberry jam and a thin layer of whipped (whisked) thick cream. If you feel extravagant use clotted cream. Dust at the end with a little icing sugar. It is called a Swiss Roll in the UK.


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