Which is better?! Preserving 30 POUNDS of Cream Cheese!

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Thanks for coming along as I preserve and experiment with 30 Pounds of cream cheese!! Which method do you prefer?

38 replies
  1. Agnieszka Reddin
    Agnieszka Reddin says:

    I wonder how close is the freeze dried creme cheese in comparison with freeze dried ice cream. I wonder if you precut that spread cheese on the tray before freeze drying would it make it easier to pick up after


    The frozen block was just crying out to have some fresh or dried herbs added to while you were stirring it back together. And it should work fine in recipes. The freeze dried stuff probably will make great cheese powder to just add some flavor to stuff like mac n cheese or sprinkle on popcorn.

  3. Molly Mollie
    Molly Mollie says:

    Very interesting experiment!! I expected it to be grainy from being frozen…our fridge will freeze dairy that gets pushed to the back, and, yuck for sour cream and cottage cheese for sure. Cream cheese is always in the “Butter place” in the door, so never had tried it after melted. I would imagine the freeze dried cream cheese would work well for soups, sauces for pastas or crock pot meals and things like that…maybe especially something that cooks for a while and helps dissolve it. Kinda has that “powdered milk” look when water is added to it…and we never used that for drinking in our house, just cooking some things…mainly my mom used it for a thickener in mashed potatoes (it’s good!) I have no issues with freezing butter (Costco) comes out normally…not so much with any other cheese (but, if it works and is edible, then go for it!) I have no idea how else you would store that to last more than a month or so, and maybe that’s your go-to replacement for half and half or sour cream in a cooked dish, and leave the “good stuff” for the bagels! Appreciate your work and results!!! (I also wish freeze dryers were more affordable…so much could be saved and stored!!!) I’m guessing the Mylar bags don’t have to go in the fridge or freezer (I was thinking about the fat content in cream cheese maybe making it spoil faster even when freeze dried, sort of like whole wheat flour lasts much longer in the freezer and goes rancid pretty quickly on the shelf.

  4. Letha Murray
    Letha Murray says:

    With your dehydated cream cheese, you need to add a bit more water, to between a custard and pudding consistency. Then let it sit for about 30 minutes. The fat molecules need to rehydrate. Then remix it up real good. Add more water if needed.

  5. Nanny Tam
    Nanny Tam says:

    Awesome experiment, Carolina! I bet the tiny bags would be awesome added to a sauce for a cheesy, creamy Mac and cheese or even added to tomato soup? The possibilities are endless!! Thanks for sharing 🥰

  6. Holly Hobbie
    Holly Hobbie says:

    Mama Baird, you should take a marker and write on those big mylar bags the measurement for 1 block of cream cheese (1+1/4 cups) so you can use 1 portion if you want. Then you can seal the mylar bag to use it up in the next day or 2 after opening.

  7. Jessica Unruh
    Jessica Unruh says:

    That looks bigger then 8 ozs maybe your weigher is wrong or camera makes it looks bigger when I freeze my cream cheese and sometimes it has like little bits in it almost like sand I hate that part but I buy my cream cheese in bulk when it's on sale I could do without that part


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