Where Have We Been?! LIVE STREAM UPDATE!

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We are Brian & Jessica, a married couple who started on a life-changing whole food, plant-based weight loss journey back in …

39 replies
  1. Kim Grose
    Kim Grose says:

    I made Brian's chili, and it was delicious. I look forward to going back to the good old days when all you guys had to worry about were your recipes.
    Sending good vibes your way!

  2. Jody Malone
    Jody Malone says:

    Hi Jessica. I had an almost identical ovarian cancer history to you. The surgery, chemo,…etc I have pain and numbness in my left foot. It was finally diagnosed as Small Fiber Neuropathy. It can only be diagnosed with a puncture biopsy. I take a relatively low dose of gabapentin , a low dose of amitriptylene, and celecoxib. That is the right cocktail for my pain management. I highly recommend Lexapro for anxiety, stress, and depression. You still feel like yourself but it just takes the edge off of the negatives. I can't explain it but it makes you breath easier and find humor in most things again. Please feel free to talk to me or ask me anything. I can also show you what your scar will look like in 12 years…lol You never not worry about your health once you've been through what we have. I promise you the wisdom of how precious every day is will give you such joy once your body and mind get over the shock you have eperienced over the last year. Much love to both of you.

  3. Talks2squirrels
    Talks2squirrels says:

    This is normal. You have to be strong during the emergency..after your mind and body needs to recover. Adrenaline gets you through the emergency…then you need to recover… You are normal… Part of the process..No worries..

  4. Ann Ross
    Ann Ross says:

    Menopause is so hard to go through and to have it all at once full-blown is the worst. Your hormones are in turmoil . What you have been through is a living nightmare and you will deal with your situation in your own time and your own way . We don't have instruction booklets that come with us when we are born. So we create our own instructions and we are all unique. You will deal with whatever comes your way .

  5. Kimbo Kat
    Kimbo Kat says:

    Such a wonderful gift to share! As I’m going through being the caregiver of a parent with dementia in at home hospice care just taking even a few minutes a day to crochet or embroidery or work on my Bullet journal is a simple way to de-stress and do something other than dishes or laundry. Something I enjoy.
    Also as a menopause survivor who hit a deep black hole of depression as I transitioned through what got me through days of bawling was saying “ this too shall pass” as I cried around work all day. That was my mantra and it was true it does pass. It really does!

  6. Beverley Cumming
    Beverley Cumming says:

    I think you both know that it might be time to get off the youtube merrygoround…is it really worth it? If it’s too hard why why are you doing it..no one expects it..if you don’t have mojo right now…take a break

  7. Denise Paulsen
    Denise Paulsen says:

    Are you kidding me Jack!?! … Jessica should stop crying? …How ‘bout you try being Jessica and/or Brian these days … and you try not falling to pieces like Brian comforts by saying, “it’s okay”. Yeah it will always be okay. For Jessica to be who she is right now. Authentically. You have all of us right here. And Jack can try not being a complete jerk for a minute. We ❤️ love you Crocks. Endlessly. ❤

  8. Humlan B
    Humlan B says:

    Hi Krocks from a Swedish special educator! I love your way of being with each other! 😊. You do not have to change one thing! 🤗. One of the reasons I watch you are that you are yourself! 😊. We need that in this world! Hugs to the both of you! 🤗

  9. Malene Jensen
    Malene Jensen says:

    Keltican Forte is a supplement used to treat neuropathy in Germany. You can buy it on pharmacies in Germany. But I don't know if they can send it to America. It contains B12, folate and a molecule naturally occurring in breast milk which builds nerve tissue called uridine monophosphate.

    If neuropathy occurs as a consequence of B12 defeciency, then people need injections to heal. Maybe you could get a few injections to see if it could speed up the healing.

    God bless, Malene from Denmark

  10. Kylie Stark
    Kylie Stark says:

    You look amazing so pretty. Go slow . Find that hobby and you seem to have found that . What’s happening in the garden . Xxx Set some small 30 minute fitness goals with Brian and also a walk every day just 30 mins . Small weights but opportunities to increase xxx ps I love you hair short xxx Brian needs some love 💕 xxx

  11. Karen Hayes
    Karen Hayes says:

    Jessica, as someone who is struggling every day with depression all I can say is take it one moment at a time. You have been through one massive traumatic experience that has left your body weak and broken. And now to top it off your going through forced menopause. Can I suggest start journaling. Sometimes the act of physically writing drawing or painting something can help us process. Jessica you are a warrior we are all your tribe when you are week we will carry you.

  12. Martina L.
    Martina L. says:

    burning and fire like is sign of nerve regeneration …… it takes time but with time it will get better 🙂
    Also with you feeling depressed could be also the fact that you had your ovaries removed and therefore you were literally thrown into early menopause over night and that is really hard to adjust ….. I hope you will start feeling better soon….:)😊

  13. Lyn Benoist
    Lyn Benoist says:

    No doubt you are changed in every way but I hope you can continue to heal. Brian please sing her through the hard times. You are the husband we all wish we had. Look forward to more music videos. Maybe set a certain amount of time for cancer, the rest of time for love and rejuvenation. Hugs to both! A dear friend of mine is also on a very difficult cancer journey. Her name is Doreen, please pray for her.

  14. Sha-sha76
    Sha-sha76 says:

    How much gabapentin are you taking? I take 600 in the AM 600 in the afternoon and 900 at bedtime. The top dose for that med is 3600 if you were taking that you would be loopy and sleepy but you look fine? Chemo can cause peripheral neuropathy.

  15. Tammy Cat
    Tammy Cat says:

    Nerve damage can happen. I had a numb abdomen for 6 months mixed with an antsy feeling in the abdomen. It did go away. So give it some time, nerves take time to heal.

  16. S
    S says:

    Don't worry about the comments Jessica. And it's totally okay to cry about it. It would be hard giving you so much of yourself when you're going through a lot and not the ideal time to be picked apart for how the two of you interact. Brian seems like he can assert himself fine when he wants to talk and I'm sure the two of you work through it when it's an issue. There's so many different styles of communication in marriage and I love watching the two of you together ❤

  17. Valerie Brown
    Valerie Brown says:

    Jessica, I have no idea or understand the negative comments. Please don’t let them get into your head. These people are sad with even sadder lives. Best way to deal with it is just to ignore them. They deserve nothing less. Blessings to you and Brian, what a source of strength he is. ❤🙋‍♀️🇨🇦

  18. Linda Anderson
    Linda Anderson says:

    Love you guys. We are all praying for you and we know you are getting better every day as you work through all the feels, emotions, hormones. Love the short do. You are beautiful!!!

  19. Nicole Damato
    Nicole Damato says:

    I'm gaining weight and I'm not under any stress. You are amazing and doing better than any of us could. I Applaud you for eating good yummy nutritious food and being kind to yourself. You do you…God Bless You!

  20. Nicole Damato
    Nicole Damato says:

    Hi Jessica! I was on Gabapentin and it helped me with pain and was awesome for anxiety. You have to be careful not to stop it cold turkey because the withdrawal is terrible. Long slow taper is best. Gabapentin is a great drug but does have depression as a side effect. I didn't have any depression on 900mg a day. We love you. Praying for your healing!

  21. Sharon Olson
    Sharon Olson says:

    I don’t know if this will help but after having ovarian cancer and I’m seven years out with no reoccurrence, but it took me at least five years to recover! I have become extremely allergic to MSG and that triggers nerve pain! Seriously I cannot eat anything with MSG or I’m in pain for three days From my head to the right side of my neck, my upper back, my right, upper extremity, and ends up, going down my low back on the left side to my left knee where it seems to exit on the third day. There are 70 code words meaning MSG, and you have to be careful with some natural food products as well because of high glutamic acid. At least it’s an explanation for the chronic pain and it might be helpful for you.❤️‍🩹


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