What's the most "Student Meal" in your country? r/AskEurope

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Tuna and pasta? Or beans on toast? Europeans chime in with their most student meals on reddit! Get Trainpal and get £6 of FREE vouchers!

41 replies
  1. Erica Gamet
    Erica Gamet says:

    Fun fact: Cheap "1000 Island" salad dressing can be made with ketchup and mayo and a pinch of salt. I make it when I want a dip and sometimes add in cayenne or Tabasco sauce for some spice!

  2. millamau
    millamau says:

    The finnish student meal is better known as ”nistipata” (junkie stew/hotpot(??)) and we absolutely don’t use that many ingredients, just plain macaroni and minced meat topped with salt and pepper. Maybe garlic powder or paprika if you’re feeling fancy

  3. DragonriderEpona
    DragonriderEpona says:

    My flat mate used to make Spätzle with ketchup *a lot*, which is waaay worse than pasta with ketchup.
    We ended up gifting him a self-made recipe book that he never uses.
    At least he learnt a bit of cooking and stopped making those.

  4. GracieLizzy
    GracieLizzy says:

    "They wanted spices but never actually used them" ..I always find that a weird stereotype because have you BEEN to Indian takeaway in the UK? Full of white blokes who only order the hottest thing on the menu. I always thought the "white people avoid spice" was more of a 'white American' stereotype. Now admittedly we didn't integrate them into our own cooking very much.

  5. Khwezi K
    Khwezi K says:

    I love a tuna pasta salad, so yum. When I lived in Italy it used to be pasta and pesto stirred in. Also yum. I also totally did the pasta and ketchup but used cream cheese for creaminess.

  6. Diapolo10
    Diapolo10 says:

    Finnish student here, I'm both a picky eater and the laziest cook known to mankind.

    I eat these three things:
    1. Spaghetti with pan-fried minced meat
    2. Hash made of cheap sausages and three eggs (with fries made in an air fryer if I feel like it)
    3. Canned pea soup

    That's it. Sure, there's bread or porridge sometimes, but never as lunch or dinner.

    As for drinks, it's either cold juice, self-made herb tea blend (based on fireweed), or glögg during the winter. Sometimes canned soda, but not often.

  7. Spammy Nasa
    Spammy Nasa says:

    Im from the Uk and the pasta and ketchup thing was only done by the Lithuanian students as i remember thinking it was a really strange mix back then. I didn’t know any fellow brits that did it. XD

  8. MeganGrace130513
    MeganGrace130513 says:

    I was never a student, but would 100% do beans and cheese with any carb base – chips, jacket, roasties, pasta, toast, bread

    Pesto pasta for a fancy meal

    Pretty much what I make anyway as someone on a budget whilst saving for a house

  9. 3shayll
    3shayll says:

    That was so disgusting, ketchup and mayo on pasta.
    When I made cheap pasta meals, instead of sauce sometimes used cans of Heinz tomato soap (not campbells not the same). The cans you could get for like 30-40 cents in my country, though that was awhile ago, I think you can get them for about a dollar or just under, so still inexpensive.

    Another cheap tasty side dish of pasta, sauté some garlic and add to cook pasta, toss with olive oil and some pepper and salt to taste.

    Handy to keep canned meat on hand, like ham instead of just tuna. Saute it with some onions and/or spices and great to add to rice or potatoes. I guess you could add to pasta too but never tried.

  10. Katrus91
    Katrus91 says:

    The Swede who answered pancakes and pea soup must've misinterpreted the question. In Sweden it's very common to get pea soup and pancakes in schools on Thursdays, but it's not something university students make very often. A typical Swedish university student lunch is macaroni with ketchup and either sausage or ready-made meatballs.

  11. Lapis Wake
    Lapis Wake says:

    I use paper tickets for 2 reasons:

    I don't live in London, and my gf doesn't live within the oyster zones so using contactless or oyster cards isn't possible.
    And my phone has a terrible battery life, especially when trainspotting, so virtual tickets aren't ideal for me.
    A 3rd point, I like having a collection of all my printed tickets at home.

  12. Rein
    Rein says:

    in the netherland I also know a lot of students that used to eat "Chicken tonight" it is a mealsauce in a jar, you need to heat it up and add rice or plain noodles. chicken if you could affort it. they have several flavours. or just bread.

  13. hkandm4s23
    hkandm4s23 says:

    Hm….. when I was a student I rented House with 3 guys and I was the only one who cooked so I had to feed them for cheap. Lots of chili, mac and cheese, spaghetti, soups and stews and potatoes and frozen veggies. Basically anything I could cheaply fill a giant pot with and eat off for the week. The one year I was in the dorm though it was lots of Ramen, canned soup, stwamed frozen veggies and wraps from the cafeteria.

  14. marika147
    marika147 says:

    Poland: students mainly eat whatever they took to halls from home. Cause they visit every month or so. Pierogi, bigos, and literally anything your parents cooked and you can freeze or put in a jar.. Also if you had a toastie machine that would be you sorted, cheese toasties + ketchup for all meals 😂

  15. PendragonZed
    PendragonZed says:

    I was horrified first time I saw pasta and ketchup! Or beans and pasta. And I'm British.

    I love ketchup and mayo for chips (it's 90% way to Marie Rose sauce, and I love a good prawn salad).

    When my loan came through, I'd go the the butchers and buy a load of bacon and chicken, separate into portions and freeze. Bacon sarnies were my go to.


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