What's in Husband's Lunch? | Frugal Meal Ideas

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One of the biggest money saving habits we have is packing our lunch! Fast food is expensive and unhealthy. Save money and …

34 replies
  1. Branbrina
    Branbrina says:

    My husband takes a rolling ice chest
    Tonight’s lunch…
    1 Gatorade
    1 Pepsi
    1 NOS energy drink
    1 thermos Sumatra coffee with creamer
    2 cups mixed nuts
    3 peeled cuties
    2 leftover turkey sandwiches on wonder bread with pepper jack cheese lettuce and tomato
    1 giant salad with leftover turkey breast and veggies and cheese
    1 belvita biscuits pack
    1 beef stick
    2 hard boiled eggs
    5 cheese sticks
    3 fruit cups
    2 applesauce cups
    A sandwich bag of hard candy
    Honestly. Not exaggerating one bit
    The man is 47
    145 pounds 6 ft
    Metabolism so fast his food is digested before he swallows 😂
    He works in a warehouse with quotas and running all night lifting heavy stuff
    He eats us out of house and home
    It’s actually crazy
    Sometimes throw a couple tuna packets in there in case he doesn’t have enough
    Oh, and a water
    Oh yeah, almost forgot, he takes a bag of chips party size with him once a week

  2. Cortney
    Cortney says:

    I’m super lucky that my hubby works about a 5 minute drive from home and gets an hour lunch break so he comes home at our lunch time and eats with me and the kids. He typically eats leftovers with us unless he is in the mood for a sandwich. Sometimes I make a breakfast casserole or something fresh that will be done as he walks in the door but about 80% of the time it’s leftovers. The only down side to this is that he’s only 5 minutes from work so we live right in the middle of the village (our town is tiny- just two stop lights). I would love a place with more land that’s not quite in the middle of town but then I would have to give up lunch with the hubby and that would be sad.

  3. Crystal O'Reilly-Morales
    Crystal O'Reilly-Morales says:

    My husband is fortunate enough to work at a subdivision near our home so he comes home during lunch to eat. I also pack my lunches daily. I can't imagine eating out x2. Here in Hawai'i where cost of living is astronomical we have to save money where we can!! Thank you for coming through with the relatable content 💙💙

  4. Jamie Rosendahl
    Jamie Rosendahl says:

    Man I wish I could send my husband leftovers! He works 12 hour construction job and it's just him snd his partner. They do not stop just grab and go so no spoon or fork meals!
    I have ran out if bread before and made him pinwheel sandwiches instead. Normally it is a salami and kale sandwich, granola bar, and any little snacks I have! Fruit is astronomical in my town and the farmers markets are also high priced. So I would love more ideas for healthy snacks as well!
    Great video and the grape jelly looks DELICIOUS

  5. Ashleigh Davison
    Ashleigh Davison says:

    Oh! Forgot to tell you in my last comment. I was making quiche today, couldn't find my spinach and literally said "uh oh.. what would Mama Baird do?" Lollol. Luckily I found some in the bottom of the freezer, but I was prepared to switch up the veggies I usually added.

  6. Ashleigh Davison
    Ashleigh Davison says:

    Hope the kids are all feeling better! We brought the flu home right before Thanksgiving 😷 . So far my momma immune system is doing good, lol. Love that you are fine w sending leftovers and that hubby appreciates the hard work and will actually EAT them! Nothing wrong w a nice PB &J either 🙂

  7. Helen Morgan
    Helen Morgan says:

    When we were first married my husband was driving milk trucks which ment early mornings, up at 4am, so I would get up and cut his lunch while he ate breakfast and got ready, he always had sandwiches and fruit and a thermos of hot tea. He found sanwiches were easy to eat while driving. When he left at 4:45 I'd go back to bed and then get up at 7:30 to get myself ready for work at a little local general store, postoffice and snack shop so I'd have something there. My boss lived in an ajoining house so she would sometimes share some of her leftovers with me for lunch or I'd make us sandwiches or have hot pie or pasty and a bun of somesort, we'd wait until the lunchtime rush was over and see what hadn't sold. Now just me and hubby semi-retired on our block and I'm often out at lunch time so leave him a salad on a plate and he adds his choice of tinned fish or has baked beans, tomato and egg on toast.

  8. Chelsea Campbell
    Chelsea Campbell says:

    Great lunches for husband! Mine gets leftovers too, I intentionally cook a few meals a week for leftovers so we have it for lunches. It saves us a lot of money not buying “lunch items”. I just adjust my 2 week meal plan based on what we have for leftovers, if we have leftovers I make something that won’t give us leftovers.

  9. Sandy Tmobile
    Sandy Tmobile says:

    Husband's lunch. Try to do a jelly cream cheese bagel, two hard boiled eggs, enchiladas and juice. He has extra snacks in the car. He works from 5 to 5 in a very cold to very hot plant .

  10. lockey Anderson
    lockey Anderson says:

    PB&J was my husband's favorite for lunch and bologna and tomato sandwich. He is a retired coalminer so he worked hard,so I packed him 2 PB&J's and a bologna or ham sandwich and a lunch cake and of course the thermos of hot coffee. Great video

  11. Jen Sherman
    Jen Sherman says:

    Great lunches for husband! It’s great he has a frig and microwave at work. I haven’t watched the juice jelly upload yet, but I will this weekend. I am low on jellies and better get busy! Have a great weekend. I hope your son is feeling much better💛

  12. Carol Mailki
    Carol Mailki says:

    My husband gets leftovers. It’s just us two. I make three servings for dinner. His lunch is the third. No food waste and he gets a hot meal. My husband doesn’t care for sandwiches so I give him leftovers. I pack his lunch while I put food on the dinner plates. Makes it easier in the morning.


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