What’s for Dinner | Simple Family Meal Ideas | March 2022

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TaterTot Casserole: https://pin.it/5VQVMYs Cornbread: https://pin.it/1YZeTck Chicken Legs: https://pin.it/1HDbsQ9 Mac & Cheese: …

48 replies
  1. Heather Terry
    Heather Terry says:

    When I make soup beans I always do them in the slow cooker and add 3-4 ham hocks. I only like the actual meat on the ham hocks and my husband loves the rest of it (the skin/fatty parts) it’s a texture thing and I can’t eat those parts lol it works out though cause he eats that part & I just have the actual meat with my pinto beans. And it sounds so good, I think I’m gonna need to make a store run today to make some this weekend!

    I hope you guys are doing okay, prayers & thoughts for your family ♥️

  2. Q Q
    Q Q says:

    Im so sorry to hear about your Mother in Laws' passing, your family is in my prayers. Can I just ask a question about the mac & cheese? If you are going to cook the noodles first, what is the purpose of putting in the crockpot? It seems you could have just stirred all of that stuff right into the pot on the stove and melted the cheeses and it would have been done. Am I missing something besides the convenience of keeping it warm in the crockpot until the chicken is done? Either way, Im going to try it for Easter dinner with my ham.

  3. mixedupjo
    mixedupjo says:

    Girl, you practically STOLE those steaks! I'm sure the slight overcooking didn't ruin them. But truthfully, it was the beans/spinach/potatoes/cornbread that made me drool. Like my daddy, I put ketchup AND horseradish on my beans, and a splash of vinegar on my greens. YUM! Thanks for the reminder! Now, about the chicken legs. Can I make those WITHOUT the neighbors running over? Wonderful meals. I don't know why I haven't seen you before, but I subscribed. I like real food!

  4. The Hargett Life
    The Hargett Life says:

    Hey Kristin! I seen those slider buns but didn't get them bc I wasn't sure what to use them for. I will definitely get them next time to try this. I've never bought filet mignon either but I'm sure it's so much cheaper than a restaurant. For sure! I have got to make that marinade. I absolutely love smoked paprika. So good! Great recipes as always. I hope you have a wonderful day.🥰

  5. Kaylas Plants
    Kaylas Plants says:

    You should try cooking chicken legs in a crockpot on high with some water for like three hours depending on how many you cook and then take them out to cool enough to handle, roll them in flour salt and pepper or whatever seasoning and then fry them in a pan of some melted butter until they crisp up ommggg they basically fall off the bone when done in the crockpot

  6. Brittanie Hayes
    Brittanie Hayes says:

    idk if someone has said it already, but i think if you spread the shredded cheese on a parchment paper lined pan and let it freeze before you vacuum seal it, that it would work! 😄

  7. Kaylas Plants
    Kaylas Plants says:

    I know you hate onions and refuse to cook with them but I can’t believe you eat chives! I can’t do chives haha I hate the crunch and oniony flavor. I used to also hate onions but when they’re cooked down so well you don’t even notice them and the flavor is unmatched! Trust me I used to refuse them when cooking also!

  8. HeatherLeeAD
    HeatherLeeAD says:

    I just did tater tot casserole last night and tried something new. I love a really crispy tater tot, so I cooked them separately first and then added them on top of the casserole, sprinkled with cheese, and set to bake for an additional 10 minutes. Loved having the crisp potato on all sides!

  9. Becky Hines
    Becky Hines says:

    Good to see you back. Keep you and your family in my prayers. I always wondered why people soaked their beans. Now I know. I don't like them but my mom always made them for my dad and whoever else ate them. I think I use to sneak pieces of the ham out of them though 😂. I've been thinking about making the tater tot Casserole again.. been years. I've not ever put corn it it just the beans. If I were you I would put the cheese under and on top of the tater tots. But I love cheese. I can never get any steak or anything like it cooked right. It's always too done. I like it med-rare. Now chicken I am just now cooking it completely done. For years I've been working on frying it done. I even would put it in the oven for an hour and it still wouldn't be done. I made it last week and my son actually liked it and said I did a good job. FINALLY! I'm gonna be cooking it again tonight for a friend. She's picking it up so not sure what she's getting. Me and mouth got me in trouble saying how good it was. I pray it comes out done. Have a question, have you ever got the off brand Velveeta? I was gonna get the actual Velveeta until I seen Walmart price. Just curious if it was good. Have a good week. ❤

  10. sharleneXO
    sharleneXO says:

    My favorite tator tot casserole is “cracked out bacon ranch” lol.

    – 2lb bag of tator tots
    – 16oz container of sour cream
    – 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
    – 1 small can of cream of chicken
    – 1 package of ranch dressing mix
    – 1 cup of chopped bacon

    Mix all together and bake at 350 for 40-45 mins. It’s delicious 🤤

  11. Rebecca AnnRose
    Rebecca AnnRose says:

    Love this video and nothing like the sound of a sizzling steak 💕 I been using parchment paper way more for baking too after I heard someone say that foil holds heat never registered until then lol 😂 just recently made the pioneer woman’s breakfast tator tot casserole it was delicious 😋

  12. Jill
    Jill says:

    Your channel is one of the few places on social media where I can come and there’s no drama and we just talk about good food and keep things fun!


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