What's For Dinner? Sept 12, 2021 | Cooking for Two | Easy Weeknight Meals

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Hey Y’all! We’ve got a brand new weekly dinner video, full of tons of quick and easy weeknight meals, and we show you how we make each one. We hope that …

27 replies
  1. Logues Life
    Logues Life says:

    I almost bought those mozzarella ravioli things from Trader Joe’s! I’ll get them the next time for sure! I’m glad you liked them! Awwww I’m so glad you were able to go out to eat. Your sandwich looked really good!! And caramel cake!! Yummy!! I hope you both had such a wonderful weekend! ❤️

  2. Yvette Bennett
    Yvette Bennett says:

    Hello My Sweet Friend!
    Looks like you had a nice week. I have to comment about the hot dog and buns. I have never understood why there was 10 hot dogs in a package and only 8 hot dog buns in a package. I think it was a conspiracy. The hot dog bun industry forced us to buy an extra package of hot dog buns for only 2 more hot dogs. It's crazy. Lol. 😂🤣
    Life has been crazy. Your frozen pizza looked delicious. You must have doctored it up and made it more delicious. We had pizza last week as well.
    I am not much of a soda drinker myself….😊
    I used up a lot of odds and ends in my freezer and fridge last week. Had a lot of little bags of rice, different pastas, meats, etc. Its fun to get creative with leftovers and odds and ends from the freezer and make delicious meals. Quite satisfying. 😁
    Blessings to you and Tim. Prayers that you have a fantastic and blessed week. ❤🙏

  3. Donna Gribbins
    Donna Gribbins says:

    Your salads always look so good. I try to get creative but Mark is just a plain salad kind of guy. He wants iceberg lettuce, carrots, red cabbage, chopped egg, shredded cheese, sometimes some tomato with either ranch or thousand island. I fixed Saturday night dinner to take to Hayley's . I made Salisbury steak, fresh green beans with new potatoes, a tossed salad for Mark and Justin and a wilted leaf lettuce salad for Hayley and I with leaf lettuce, sliced green onions, sliced boiled egg, crumbled bacon and a hot dressing with the bacon fat, a little sugar, vinegar and a splash of water, then poured it while hot over the salad to wilt it down. She had the Baby on Wednesday. She went in to be induced at 7am. She was 3 cm dilated. They started pitocin at 8:30 and by 12:30 she was dilated to a 4.5 and they broke her water. She did not want an epidural but needed a little pain control so at 2:20 they gave her a shot of Stadol without checking her. His heart rate started dipping so by 2:50 she complained the shot was not helping and they checked at she was 9.5 cm dilated. They yelled to call the doctor. She was there by 3:03. They had Hayley on her knees. She pushed twice like that, then needed to turn as her legs were weak. She flipped to her back and on the 3rd push he was delivered. At delivery they realized his heart rate was dipping as his umbilical cord had a big Knot in it. He is doing great though. He weighed 7 lbs 4 oz and was 19 inches long with lots of dark hair. They name him Bennett Edward. Bennett means Blessed and we are so blessed to have him after all her miscarriages and the 2 still born girls. The Edward they used because it is Mark's middle name, his Dad Charles middle name, my dad Donald's middle name, who are both deceased, and Justin's dad Tom's middle name. So he is named after 4 great men from both families. Both Mama and baby are doing good. She only had 2 small stitches which probably is because he came fast with only 3 pushes. They did not even get the bed set up for delivery he came so fast. He is having some eating challenges. She is breast feeding and he does not want to latch. She has had several lactation specialist work with him but she goes today to his doctor for more help. Bennett wants his hands in his mouth which hinders things plus her milk does not come out as fast as he wants it to and he is lazy and it is too much work so it makes him mad. They will figure it all out. Her milk is slowly coming in. Once that happens I think he will finally figure it out. He is so sweet though. And tiny. He has lost 3/4 of a lb which is normal but he is down to 6 lb 8 oz. Hayley weighed 8 lb 5 oz but was 22.5 inches long so to me he is just a little peanut. So glad both are doing well and delivery was fairly easy. They have told her if she has any more, as fast as he was delivered that at her first sign she might be in labor she better head to the hospital or she might be one of those Mamas who delivers on the side of the interstate or in the hospital parking lot.

  4. superbellabeau
    superbellabeau says:

    Yummy looking meals for the week Stacy! It's interesting how many different things you have pickles in. I like them and have them on a sandwich or a burger but I've never thought to put them in slaw or tartare sauce. I had to get a new oven and it's got an airfryer in it. It has a setting on the oven and a huge tray to use! You'd love it! Happy day to you both from Sally, Les and the fur crew! 😊💖💖

  5. Kathy Conger
    Kathy Conger says:

    I wanna be a third wheel for all you & Tim’s meals! Lol! Yes I know, I’m shameless!😆 Everything looked great! I would eat any of that! I had to laugh about the miso. What would you do with all of that? Do people use it for a more umami taste in dishes? I’ve never used it.
    Thanks for sharing with us Stacy! Have a great wk.!😁❤️

  6. Jeanie Stoltz
    Jeanie Stoltz says:

    Hi Stacy! You guys crack me up!🤣 Im still cooking for 4. My boys are 25 and 20. But I'm sure it won't be long before we have an empty nest! You are giving me lots of ideas for cooking for two!

  7. Taylor LaVerdiere
    Taylor LaVerdiere says:

    Hi Stacy!! So sorry I haven’t commented now that summer is over I can regularly comment again! 😊 I hope you’re doing well mentally and the grieving process of your friend is getting a little easier. Never fully but bit by bit it does. ❤️ Go Saints with their new QB so happy they won! Who is he? Google is only so much! Hope you guys have a great season and healthy! Also hope Tim and you are happy with the season! Talk to you soon! 💜

  8. BnB Temple
    BnB Temple says:

    Hi again, Stacy and Tim…meant to say last time how much I enjoy your meals for two. We are two also so these are great quantity wise as well as taste wise. And the sandwich ideas: great for these hot FL Gulf Coast days. Thank you again. Barb

  9. Our 80s Life
    Our 80s Life says:

    Hi guys! I’m eating frozen pizza as I watch this, keeping it simple today as well. I never thought of using frozen fish fillets to make fish tacos, great idea! Your slaw looks delicious, and adding pickle juice is another great idea, yum! Tim’s makeshift breadstick chopsticks were the highlight of this video, lol! 😂

  10. TeNice Xoxo
    TeNice Xoxo says:

    I want to try the frozen ravioli. I need to make s trader Joe's trip. With that soda that isn't good try mixing it with something else. Like if its too tart it may taste good in orange juice. Kind of like a non alcoholic mimosa vibe.

  11. Gail B
    Gail B says:

    Some good looking end of summer meals there! Well we hope it's close to the end of summer here in the south anyway. I need to train myself to think of using my air fryer more, the hot dogs and sliders came out great. I have done fish and fries or sweet potatoes, it is nice that more products are putting AF directions on the package. The breaded ravioli looks good too, but I'm almost positive it's not in any store in my little town! I'm with Tim, if you cut the pizza in smaller pieces then it feels like you've eaten more if you have 2 pieces instead of 1! Now I need to figure out my menu for this upcoming week 🙂


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