What's For Dinner? | Easy Budget Friendly Meals | Plus Dessert

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Tiffany @ Smalltown Six ➡️Today’s video: https://youtu.be/ezAHf3oS8iA ➡️YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/c/SmalltownSix Bacon Ranch Garlic …

21 replies
  1. Erin Howells
    Erin Howells says:

    Everything looked delicious, great job Kim! My daughter and I were watching your video together and now she says we have to make banana bread and the strawberry cake. Oh boy, I may need to bring out the comfy pants 😆
    Or I can share it for our next church potluck 🤔 lol

  2. Kristie Hunt
    Kristie Hunt says:

    Soda strawberry cake
    1 box cake mix
    1 can. Of soda your choice 1 cup strawberry puree
    Mix all ingredient
    Bake at 350 for 35 to 40 minutes until till done
    Frosting your choice I use Pillsbury fluffy frosting

  3. Brenda Tate
    Brenda Tate says:

    Looks delicious Kim. I think Courtney really did like that dinner because she was going back for more. Lol. Brice and Adrian definitely loved it! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Diana Tennant
    Diana Tennant says:

    That bacon ranch parmesan looks really really good. There are six adult eaters in our house so I would have to increase it but something that I almost always have cooked ahead is some shredded chicken. I was almost thinking increase that sauce and add shredded chicken probably pretty much there at the end and make it a full meal. Or just double the recipe. That one actually sounds really good. I also like your adding the cheddar cheese soup to the tater tot casserole I've actually never done that and have made tater tot casserole often with all different kinds of cream soups and yeah just mix it up in the pan lot less dishes. We seem to have cheese lovers here too!

  5. Gidget13mwa
    Gidget13mwa says:

    I’m definitely going to make your banana bread! I love that you used the banana pudding and the strawberry cake was gorgeous 😋😋👍. Lucky people that get either !👍

  6. Smalltown Six
    Smalltown Six says:

    Hey friend🤗 Thank u so much for collabing with me! I loooove your pan you are cooking your beef in! That's really nice! I love all things tater Tots casserole! Your meals look so yummy🤗💚❤


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