WHAT I EAT in a Day | How to Eat Gluten Free!

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how to eat gluten free – I’m sharing all of my tips on eating gluten free & showing you an example of what I eat in a day! 🙂 $5 off your first iHerb order: …

45 replies
  1. vanni101
    vanni101 says:

    I have ibs and gluten is a huge trigger for it so I have to cut it out as much as possible. It's hard to figure out especially since I'm in college for 8 hours a day and don't live on campus. So finding food is so beyond hard

  2. Guess who?
    Guess who? says:

    I am trying gluten free, I'm on a medical journey. I feel bloated and nauseous lots thought the day. I feel fatigue…ugh it's hard. I'm encouraged by this video. Thank you for giving me this information

  3. Rody Altunkaya
    Rody Altunkaya says:

    I recently discovered that I am afflicted with Celiac disease so I have no choice but to follow a gluten-free diet and this disease is really hard and annoying. What is your advice to me?

  4. MyWorldOfAnimals
    MyWorldOfAnimals says:

    I’ve been gluten free for three weeks now. I’ve always had digestive irritation and felt blah after eating and I never new what it was from. I’ve recently had a lot of issues with iron and vitamin levels and so while they were testing they tested me for celiac. And from the day they tested me I just stopped eating gluten. The test came back negative, so I don’t have celiac but I’ve just found that I feel better and don’t have the same stomach cramping and digestive upset after eating anymore. And we’ve found food that my siblings like as well so while they’re not gluten free we can all eat the same thing when we sit down for a meal.

  5. Bella Ronai
    Bella Ronai says:

    Hi, since January I stopped eating GF and I was sick for a month. Is that normal? Then after 3 weeks I had a taco, I had 3 bites and then I stopped eating the taco part. Next day I was sick again. So ever since I don't eat gluten. But is my reaction normal when you stop eating Gluten?


    I just discovered your channel. I too suffer from an eating disorder. Bulimia and I feel like i may have a gluten intolerance too from binging and purging for 20 plus years. I’m so bloated all the time, no energy, headaches, irritable, constipated or the opposite lol 😂 I’m going to cut gluten out and see if I feel better.

  7. Yanny Sam
    Yanny Sam says:

    I can't have gluten or soy and I'm a college student on a budget what do you suggest? I would hate to give up snacks completely, I don't eat them often but every now and then I might.

  8. Oilylover
    Oilylover says:

    I’m pretty sure there is no blood test for gluten intolerance. There is one for coeliac disease which is an auto immune disease and a skin prick for an allergy to wheat.

  9. Elle McCann
    Elle McCann says:

    Just found out I have celiac disease and was super overwhelmed. Your video really helped me get prepared plus took out a lot of the intimidating aspects for me. Thanks so much 🙂

  10. Alicia Rojas
    Alicia Rojas says:

    FINALLY!!! I found someone like me🤗 I have Celiac disease and Crohns Disease and do I had to learn how to eat for my own body. Once I did I am feeling much better.im still looking for recipes. Have Crohns is still a struggle going Gluten-free because of Crohns limitations on my diet🤦🏻‍♀️ so overwhelmed but your channel will be a big help thanks

  11. vintagevinyls
    vintagevinyls says:

    I don’t understand when people say I became gluten free like you are either born with the disease or you choose to take the diet but if you magically became gluten-free that must mean from the start you would have celiac disease

  12. Elise Kennedy
    Elise Kennedy says:

    as a person with celiac I find really annoying when people who don’t have a full one medical problem people with celiac can’t have a micro crumb of gluten and we can’t have anything that may have had contact with gluten also we usually can’t even eat a restaurants that aren’t GF fully

  13. Sally Grigo
    Sally Grigo says:

    I just found out I am gluten intolerant (also dairy, corn and most nuts). I am still in the phase of: “how am I going to live my lift like this??” You are adorable, inspiring and I hope to learn a lot from you! By the way, your skin looks awesome! The only things I am looking forward to are feeling less bloated and having more energy. I hope I will learn lots more from you…Thanks for your helpful information!! 🤗

  14. Rocking Planet Rainbows
    Rocking Planet Rainbows says:

    I had to switch to gluten free as soon as my bloods came back. However, you get used to it and we are lucky there is more awareness arounf this and many resteraunts do gluten free now. I know how you feel about missing certain foods at the beginning I still get like that sometimes, however, as you said you can make so much.


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