What I Ate Today with Easy Vegan Recipes!

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What I eat in a day vlog with some easy plant based vegan recipes and my PUMPKIN CREAM CHEESE RECIPE! Hope you enjoy ❤️Click on the link here …

26 replies
  1. Gabe The Super Sonic 2004
    Gabe The Super Sonic 2004 says:

    Would like to try those soon. But also, if I’m not mistaking, your birthday comes up in two weeks on October 27th. Now that’s exciting!! If you don’t upload a video on Oct 27th, I’ll give you my birthday wishes earlier on one of your upcoming Sunday uploads.

  2. Amara B
    Amara B says:

    Wow, I didn’t know you had a TikTok. I enjoy your work, and everything you make always looks so yummy. I’m glad I can follow your recipes on another platform. Thus far I’ve recreated three of your recipes and each came out so well!

  3. Just Jai Jai
    Just Jai Jai says:

    Always enjoy what your eating videos,weather they are a standard day or not,these soups looked lush,I'd watched your fall soups video,so it's nice to see behind the scenes of it. When you cook like this for videos it must be nice because you then have lots of food prepared for the week. And you can freeze soup so that helps. That potato bread thing sounded so good,I want to try that recipe xx

  4. Cherhonda Jones
    Cherhonda Jones says:

    Very creative concept for the Pumpkin Cream Cheese 🤗 I just purchased Pumpkin Cold Brew and Chobani Pumpkin Coffee Cream…Wow, very scrumptious☕ I can't wait to play around in the kitchen with your new creations🥳


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