What Customers Should Know Before Stepping Foot In Trader Joe's

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Chances are that if you’ve been to Trader Joe’s, you’re already a fan. Shopping hacks at a place that doesn’t even have a frequent shopper card may seem …

28 replies
  1. Julie Massina
    Julie Massina says:

    As a former employee, lots of people exploit the return policy. Some people return ten items at a time and "buy" more using the refund. They say the things weren't to their liking but sometimes they'll return a bag of nuts, for example, with one nut at the bottom. I'd be embarrassed!

  2. Matlida Boy
    Matlida Boy says:

    I have to say something I have to I just have to . I am a boy not. Girl and I like to dance and sing and occasionally I like to sway 🙂 I have 3 dogs not real just in my head dogs. They are glamours like me:) I also have the ability to eat dairy with no carey. I have five toe nails. TOTAL. I jump and jack and I don’t do crack! I eat and sleep but no meat not a peep! 🙂

  3. Samadhi
    Samadhi says:

    I stopped shopping at Trader Joe's because they are so environmentally irresponsible. Every single item in the produce department is unnecessarily packaged in plastic.

  4. thatbeingsaid thatbeingsaid
    thatbeingsaid thatbeingsaid says:

    You also need to know it is over rated. Not as cheap as it is made out to be and I can get most of the same items at other regular grocery stores. For way cheaper. You just have to do your research and find those products at your neighborhood grocer. Now if you're looking for not your run of the mill snacks and sauces then they do have good selection of those at desent prices. But for the gas it takes to get there it's not worth it money wise bc you'll have to go to the reg. Grocery store also anyway for the odds and ends Trader Joe's doesn't carry like foil, napkins etc.


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