WFPB Mushroom Barley Soup! 🍄 Easy, Healthy & Delicious Whole Food Plant Based Recipe

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WFPB Mushroom Barley Soup! A wonderful, warming, hearty, perfect-for-winter soup that will satiate you AND delight your …

14 replies
  1. MJ
    MJ says:

    Rinse the mushrooms, unless you want to eat manure. I know people say they absorb too much water, I once saw an episode with Alton Brown where he tested this myth and he found that the amount of water it actually absorbs is minute.

  2. veganmama fourgirls
    veganmama fourgirls says:

    Hi Maddie- I know this is an older video, but I just watched it. I also wash my shrooms. I worry about the manure/whatever they were grown in plus it is much more convenient. I make mine with all the ingredients directly into my Instant Pot (where I make all soups). It comes out a bit more thick and creamy since the barley releases it's starch, but this looks delicious. Also, I use the beefy flavored vegan broth for this soup and it is really tasty 🙂

  3. MJ
    MJ says:

    Made this today! It took 7 minutes (with the hulled kind) in the instant pot and I slightly sautéed the mushrooms. I also added 2 bunches of collards.

  4. MJ
    MJ says:

    Interesting, I make something like this but minus the barley and dill and add lentils, cumin and red pepper flakes. But close soup cousins!

  5. David's Allotment
    David's Allotment says:

    Great recipe and video Maddie unfortunately mine will have to be made in the separate slow cooker which I bought before I bought the pressure multi cooker which was a good idea because I only bought the pressure cooker/ multi cooker on Friday and it has stopped working already. Possibly a faulty one so I will have to get round to contacting the retailer because under UK law it's the responsibility of the retailer not the manufacturer (unless they are both the same) for if something goes wrong with the product.

  6. Radiate With Plants
    Radiate With Plants says:

    Great video and recipe! I am really enjoying your wfpb content. To answer your question, I wipe my mushrooms with a wet cloth. They absorb a lot of water when rinsed under water. I think it might be why the recipe you used also suggests sautéing the mushrooms separately.


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