Weekday 5am Routine | Best Lunch Combo | A Day in my Life | Mixed Vegetable Pulao | Chicken

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My mornings start at 5am on a weekday. Waking up early is challenging sometimes, but planning ahead helps a lot. And of course …

20 replies
  1. rose green
    rose green says:

    i like vegetables although i am not a vegetarian, i find them good for my stomach, so i will make this rice dish, but perhaps experiment with the grain, since we don't eat a lot of rice, i will see what is in the cupboard that could work:) I like buying grains from hodmedods in uk (it's a project to grow legumes in UK, obviously irrelevant if you're abroad) and i like experimenting with new grains and legumes, so i might make an excuse to buy something new if cupboard is bare:)

  2. Naimika Ramesh
    Naimika Ramesh says:

    Usually, people wake up more tired after a power nap because you woke up in the middle of a sleep cycle. Either take a nap for 20 minutes where you get quality light sleep without entering the deep sleep phase or for 90 minutes where you can complete a full sleep cycle.

  3. Anuhya Miryala
    Anuhya Miryala says:

    Hi didi. To increase the quantity of dosa batter I always add ragi flour or even you can add some wheat flour and then add some water to mix it well. It comes out very well and ragi dosa with onion tastes too good.


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