Week 91 Keto Results | Tackling another addiction | Discovering TRIGGER FOODS

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Hey guys! 91 weeks of my keto journey! I’ll share my keto results with you, also I feel the need to tackle another addiction of mine …

13 replies
  1. Your Pal Misty
    Your Pal Misty says:

    Coming back to comment on the video. I think we've finally found something where we're different. 🤯🤣 I stayed away from the scale most of the time and have just now started weighing every day to see what happens. It is really helping me not worry about the number it shoots back at me. I hope not doing a weigh in has the same impact for you. Let's keep going on our Healthy Expedition. We're worth it!

  2. Kara Nieves
    Kara Nieves says:

    Have you tried Berberine!! It is absolutely amazing!! It really helps with cravings…and when you do mess up it doesn’t raise your insulin as much!! I researched the heck out of it for weeks and finally tried it!! 5 lbs in a week!! It’s worth a try ( there is a thousand You Tube videos on it!!)

  3. Lovin Keto Ron’s Weight Loss Journey
    Lovin Keto Ron’s Weight Loss Journey says:

    Oh my girl the scale can be our best friend but, can be our worst enemy. You always have my support! Remember it’s not the scale that matters! It’s the journey. We took a lifetime to put it on it takes time to get it off. There is no magic bullet out there. Just trust the process and the faith my friend and you will get there!

  4. Niki Moss
    Niki Moss says:

    Oh mylanta, girl I think u r in my head! I have had so many of those ‘start fresh again Monday’ days! Yes, I also miss just eating whatever I want. I seem to come up with all kinds of excuses to make it ok in my head to slip up, and somethings those excuses make sense to me at the moment, then guilt. I need to realize also that this is normal for me, if I want to get healthy. I find myself wanting to b like my husband and eat whatever and not put the weight on😞 I know God is helping me, but sometimes I just get stubborn and lazy. We need to all keep praying for each other. Lots of love your way from this food addict. ❤

  5. T and Z RV Life
    T and Z RV Life says:

    I get you Steffy! My self-sabotage is horrible at times. I have to choose to get off of that crazy roller coaster and sometimes I choose not to, but the times that I am on the roller coaster are more than off the roller coaster.

  6. Aleutian Prepper
    Aleutian Prepper says:

    I was getting addicted to the scale too and that was annoying, but one day it broke lol and I even changed out the batteries so that wasn't the problem so I guess it was a blessing for me haha. 😆 God bless, your doing great!


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