Week 146 Keto Journey │Don't Give Up On Your Goals │December Weight Loss Challenge – Finish Strong

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40 replies
  1. Tonya Koceja
    Tonya Koceja says:

    That's A LOT WEEKS DEAR , o would be switching up some of of your eating habits ` Im sure your doing ur research but look into fasting and try carnivore ~ just seems you should be having better results after this many weeks

  2. Gamergirl Evesam
    Gamergirl Evesam says:

    Doing an extended fast between Thanksgiving and Christmas, almost at 72 hour mark. When I break this extended fast, I’ll re-feed and then Alternate day fasting until Xmas. Another extended fast is planned for between Xmas and New Years. Self-sabotage is a big issue for me, and watching fasting and keto videos has helped me escape this year. Keep it up!

  3. William Jacques
    William Jacques says:

    Another excuse video. I guess you don’t enter a sustainable diet like because you have so many Keto sponsors. This is getting old.. how many times do we have to hear I’m “hitting that reset button”. Please stop with these fad, quick fix diets. Try weight watchers for two or three weeks. I think you’ll like it. It shifts you into more healthy foods.. and , if you gain “points” you can eat anything. You may not see results automatically like Kerto . but long term it’s sustainable.

  4. Lisalee m
    Lisalee m says:

    I'm keto/low carb/ carnivore- for life. I'm doing well and it works for me. I'm in a wonderful keto community family who I love to follow. It helps so much. Thank you for your encouragement and being a part of my keto family. This is real life. Thanks for keeping it real.

  5. Bryce Helmicki
    Bryce Helmicki says:

    After a 65 pound weightless journey through keto/low carb/fasting/exercise for a year and half, in recently rewarded my work with a tummy tuck. While its not for everyone, i found having a planned reward like this helped to keep me focused throughout my journey. Though I'm not 100% recovered yet, Im excited for my body to accurately depict where I am health-wise. This channel has been one of the many tools I used to stay on track. The journey isn't over, as now its time to learn to maintain. You got this guys! 💕

  6. tredeara
    tredeara says:

    This is such a good video because even though I had good intentions for not eating candy corn this Halloween, that went out the window. This month for me was a total bust. From mid oct to dec 1st I gained 15 lbs. Between the pie, the candy, the dressing (that was not keto) i was not shocked. Actually thought i gained more than that.

    I refuse to beat myself up. I got on the scales on the first cause I wanted to know the dmg and what I need to lose this month. I started the 1st off with egg fast. I will do that for 5 days then go to modified protein sparing fast till xmas.

    We are human and sometimes by God we just want to be bad after being good for so long.

    I really enjoy your videos, thanks to you and your knowledge sharing I am down 70 lbs even with gaining back the 15. I have learned so many helpful things from watching your videos. I give you half the credit to my success thus far.

    When you reach your goal weight then you can teach us your strategies for maintaining it. Hugs hon and thanks again for being you

  7. Sarah Wart
    Sarah Wart says:

    If your goal is still weight loss, I'd love to see you collab with Dr. Boz on youtube. She has an "American Traddiction" series that followed her SIL on the "Keto Continuum"; you would be the perfect candidate for season 2. Right now, you're in a place that many of us are at where we've had great success on Keto and need to buckle down to reach and stick to our ultimate weight/body comp goals. You and Dr. Boz working together would be great.
    Bonus: she has a quarter million subs so it might boost your channel.

  8. Loving It On Keto
    Loving It On Keto says:

    (Harry here) Great talk and that is one thing I like to think about and strive for the ability to stay KETO / PSMF / CARNIVORE even during the holidays. My wife made a fantastic meal for Thanksgiving and it was all KETO.

  9. Michaela Joseph
    Michaela Joseph says:

    Thank you for the reminder that in december there are only a few days of Christmas, on the rest we should be back on track. Calories in and calories out is still valid for all diets. Keto makes it a bit easier to eat in calorie defficit and not being hungry. For me it works eating higher protein, low carbs and low fat. The same satiety without the high calories. The volume is from non starchy vegies and lean meats and eggs(whites). I’m older and it feels much better and lighter for my digestive system. Greetings from Sweden.

  10. K T
    K T says:

    I have started my keto journey today. And today is my first day on keto. Totally excited for this journey towards health of mine. Starting weight – 86.5 kgs Target weight – 60 kgs.

  11. Geri Griggs
    Geri Griggs says:

    At the start of Hanukkah, I started my religious fast. Plan to stop, as I do yearly on my Moms birthday, Jan 11. She died from Cancer & we all know here the importance of NOT feeding the cancer beast. To her, I honor!

  12. Robin Adams
    Robin Adams says:

    I'm very frustrated with my keto journey. I've been doing this for 2 years. I lost 25 lb in the first year, but I've lost nothing this second year (but I haven't re-gained). My blood numbers seemed better last year, but this year they're crazy and my doctor is very worried. My total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, AP-B and glucose are all up to dangerous levels. I feel like I've gone more towards carnivore than keto this year, but it's not helping… it's making it worse😭

  13. Willow Shaffer
    Willow Shaffer says:

    Seems you’re always resetting – time again to practice what you preach – maybe you need to rewatch your videos for inspiration because you don’t seem to be as disciplined as you were

  14. Michelle Pereira
    Michelle Pereira says:

    Thanks for the pep talk. Once it starts getting cold here in NY I hibernate in the house and that lack of outdoor exercise has gotten me up five pounds. It’s really frightening and disheartening.


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