Week 114 Keto Results | Do you keep gaining your weight back?! #ketoresults #weightlossinspiration

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Hey guys! Week 114 of my Keto journey! I share my Keto results with you, how my week went, a scale update and I also discuss a …

22 replies
  1. changinchris
    changinchris says:

    You've done such an awesome job! Love the attitude of I will get there. This journey is all about mindset. I've been on this roller coaster too but the plan…this time around is to get rid of it and not go back

  2. Home Workout Health Hub
    Home Workout Health Hub says:

    That's why I love you so much. You are the real deal. Great topic! I also weigh myself every morning. It helps me keep track of daily habits. 212 is AWESOME! Wonderful is right around the corner!!! I know you want to help people get healthy with you! Great outlook! ๐Ÿค—โค๏ธ

  3. caisis2
    caisis2 says:

    Thanks, as always, for your vulnerability and insights. Your journey IS inspirational, and I'm so glad that you have the courage to be so public with us all and offer us hope! I'M certainly not THAT brave, lol!

    Yes, of COURSE we need to look at our own choices and mental state of being and potential self-sabotaging behaviors that contribute to re-gain. AND I'd really ALSO like to hear you speak more of the scientifically backed research that more and more shows obesity and re-gain are NOT 100% "lifestyle" choice issues! There's a BIOLOGY to this all as well, ESPECIALLY for those of us who've had WLS! Statistically, by 5 years post-op WLS patients are EXPECTED to regain at least 10% of their total weight lost, many regain more. Most surgeons start to address it if it goes beyond 20/25%. I'm 5.5 years out from my WLS & have been struggling with a ~20/25 lb regain from MY lowest post-op # for over 2 years now, despite addressing the body dysmorphia in therapy early post-op, and WITH daily exercise and consistent keto WOE! It's maddening! But I have to remember that obesity runs in MY genetic line and is a DISEASE, classified by the AMA as such in 2013, and there's as many biological factors to it as there are emotional and psychological ones. Yes, looking at our food choices, overall way of eating, and activity levels does matter! But it's NOT ALL about what WE do – our bodies have a literal mind of their own! It would be helpful to the many of us following you if you would also remind us that our weight struggles are more than emotional, but also physical! <3

  4. stephanieandjoshy
    stephanieandjoshy says:

    Comparison is the thief of joy. I see pictures of myself and my brain still has not caught up. I've been in "maintenance" and still see a trend of loss on the scale. Intermittent fasting has been key to the way I feel not about weight loss. On vacation right now and it is a struggle to make good decisions and not eat junk. ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿ–๐ŸŒž๐Ÿ ๐Ÿก๐ŸŒบ

  5. Lifetime Slimness
    Lifetime Slimness says:

    The generation that has gone before us for thousands of years did not have weighing scales, and were not focused on their weight but were at their healthy weight. They ate a balanced diet of one ingredient macros when their bodies needed the food like all other species. There is NO OTHER WAY long-term.

  6. pheeno barbidoll
    pheeno barbidoll says:

    Last week between a UTI and starting my period I gained 8lbs in water weight. After antibiotics and the end of my period I dropped 10. So 2 lbs lost. Not gonna lie though…that 8 lbs had me annoyed.

  7. Project Alice
    Project Alice says:

    Youโ€™ve come a long way on a very difficult journey!! Congratulations!!

    Changing your lifestyle (I hate the word diet) is no easy accomplishment.

    Especially when people around you are not on the same path, and are not always celebrating your success. Some will even try to sabotage your efforts.

    Everyone is responsible for their own choices, but I can understand feeling โ€œguiltyโ€. Itโ€™s like you are leaving people behind, and in a way you are; and some people will try to drag you back down into the abyss with them without even realizing they are doing it.

    Misery does love company.

    I stopped talking about my journey to others as I found them rooting when I failed rather than encouraging me not to give up.

    Making big changes in your life is not easy and you are going to trip and fall. What matters is that you get back up and donโ€™t give up. You WILL get there.

    This is my third time and hopefully my last.

    It took time for me to realize that as someone with insulin resistance and a serious sugar addiction, that I cannot eat sugar/carbs at all.

    Itโ€™s kind of like the stages of grief. You have denial, bargaining, etc.

    This last time my fasting blood sugar got up to 326!!

    I am 57, and I do not want to die because of the crap I kept shoveling into my body. Nor do I want to live in misery.

    Food is fuel, nothing more. This is where you have to change your emotional relationship with food. Not an easy task but I refuse to give up.

    I live in the South. We celebrate EVERYTHING with food. We eat carbs, sugar, etc. like itโ€™s our last day on earth.

    If you feel like crap, if you have or are gaining weight, your body is telling you something. Listen to it.

    Take baby steps. Donโ€™t expect instant results. Give yourself time to adapt to your new lifestyle and donโ€™t let others drag you down.

    Hang in there and donโ€™t give up!!! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿค—

  8. Mama_J
    Mama_J says:

    I lost 80 and have gained back 50 so far. I have all the excuses to let myself eat whatever I want. "I don't want to miss out on life". "I grew up in an abusive home and I'm working with a therapist to unravel so much right now which is super hard, weight loss would just be too much to add onto the emotional burden". "It's not fair, everyone else gets to eat whatever they want, why can't I". Oh, and the kids. "The kids need me to make these sort of foods to make memories in their childhood". So many excuses!! Well now I'm busting out of my clothes and feeling like such a failure. ๐Ÿ™

  9. Amie Watkins
    Amie Watkins says:

    Definitely the pep talk I needed today. I have been doing great with keto all year and lost quite a bit of weight, then this past week, was hit with a stomach bug and some other health issues on top of it, wound up in the ER yesterday, and then my mind tries to tell me I'm not eating healthy in this lifestyle, and I know that isn't true, it's just an excuse, since I'm not feeling like myself right now, to eat junk. I did, and let me tell you, my body was like "what are you doing?" Immediately, felt disgusting in my gut, and just in general. I felt sluggish and I know it was from the greasy food. So your video popped up at the right time for me, I really needed the reality check and the encouragement and motivation to get back on track, even not feeling well, is not a good excuse to eat junk food. It does not help anything. Not mentally or physically. Love you, girl. You're doing amazing and I always look forward to your videos.

  10. Dual Wellness
    Dual Wellness says:

    Very interesting topic. I do not have the guilt but I do have the self-sabotage and negative brain talk. It is the main thing I have battled in maintenance. You are 100% correct. It is a non-stop journey. There is no end goal. Thanks for sharing this!

  11. Sbella Lopez
    Sbella Lopez says:

    I was looking at picture from a year year it's been a year since I left me to do to an appendicitis haven't gone back on fasting 5 days a week only gained 10lbs but have felt bloated and I see pictures now and before and it's making me feel awful since I was less puffy however my goal for new years is to go back when life is calmer and I have time to take back charge of my life that's what it is

  12. Amy Zumach
    Amy Zumach says:

    You nailed it! We definitely need to talk about the regaining cycle a lot more! To me it was one of the reasons it took so long to start again because I gave lost and regained so many times!! Great content Stephy and as always you look GREAT!!

  13. Lovin Keto Ronโ€™s Weight Loss Journey
    Lovin Keto Ronโ€™s Weight Loss Journey says:

    Wow 212 thatโ€™s where I am this morning thatโ€™s awesome. Times I wonder if where meant to stay where we are? Would love to get to my target weight of 180. I only hit 203 two times in the last two years and never hit onderland. We know itโ€™s a journey to a better and healthier life. No one ever said it was going to be easy. I have never stuck to anything this long before in my life. You got this girl you are the best and amazing!

  14. Your Pal Misty
    Your Pal Misty says:

    I only ever lost weight two or three times in my adult life. I will admit that in the past when I lost weight I didn't know anybody else who was doing it. I kept thinking I looked crazy in pictures and didn't feel good like everyone promised so i put the weight back on.

    Now I know how much better i can feel by changing the types of food I eat so even though it's still hard and I still look unrecognizable in pictures it's worth it to never go back. Great Topic.


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