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Hey family!!! In today’s video it’s the 4th of July and we’re having a big ol’ cook out! We make bbq chicken, baked beans with …

25 replies
  1. Shauna O'Neal
    Shauna O'Neal says:

    Your food looks good as always my pasta salad I put cubed cheese, salami, pepperoni, pepperoncini Pepper's, onions,grape tomatoes cut in half( green bell pepper,yellow bell peppers, red bell pepper ) Italian dressing. some of my family like olives in there's I don't like olives

  2. Wendy Shamel
    Wendy Shamel says:

    You sound like me when I got my first grape tomatoes to turn red! It's been so hot here in Texas, but my yellow squash is doing well. Hope y'all had a great holiday! USA USA!

  3. Sheryl Adams
    Sheryl Adams says:

    The watermelon lemonade sounds delicious! The fireworks were very nice. Our always had sparkers too. Have a burn ban here. Had a great 4th feast. I will have to make the beans. Did the strawberry cake turn out good? Your plants look great! Audra is so pretty!
    God bless you all! Tomorrow. …..💟💟💟

  4. Donna Gribbins
    Donna Gribbins says:

    The use to make baked beans with Ground beef. One night my ground beef was bad so I used a lb of hot breakfast sausage instead of the beef. I added 4 cans of pork and bean, a diced onion , 3/4 cup ketchup, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 3 Tbsp molasses and 2 Tbsp yellow mustard. I baked them at 350 for 1 hour. Best beans we ever ate. I now make my beans like this all the time. I brown the sausage and onion. Do not drain. Add everything else. Bake at 350 for 1 hour.


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