Water glassing eggs- the BEST way to preserve eggs long term

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Water glassing eggs is an extremely easy, affordable way to store eggs upwards of 8 months, some people have even claimed at …

26 replies
  1. Kenneth Creason
    Kenneth Creason says:

    Just so you are aware, someone is using your platform here to solicit crypto currency. I got a message (saying they were you) to contact them directly with a phone number attached. Totally not you from the picture they sent. It was a reply to my asking if you had any single sisters on your other introduction video.

  2. Joseph Watts
    Joseph Watts says:

    This works. I presently have 8 2-1/2 gal buckets full with approx. 70 eggs in each already stored. Some as far back as a year ago. They are still good. Tried some last month. Chickens are in over time right now, so fresh eggs are abundant.

  3. Joseph Dredd
    Joseph Dredd says:

    Great video.
    Not heard of Water glassing eggs to preserve them so this video was both educational(everyone loves to learn something new) and timely..
    I have a surplus of eggs from my chooks 🙂

  4. Pensacola Prepper
    Pensacola Prepper says:

    If nuclear or real war or even if SHTF event. What people really need to know if how to put out fires. House fires and such. Please make videos about this cause it is needed. During nuclear event and your house is in fire how to put it out and be safe inside is a must. My idea is to put a sprinkler on your roof and hope it gets dust and keeps fires down.

  5. cevgunner 12F20
    cevgunner 12F20 says:

    Nothing wrong with the size of your hands, lady! Good information, presented in a direct , simple , fashion. Looking forward to seeing more of your presentations, enjoyed the canned stew video. Glad that Canadian Prepper put your canning video out as a featured video. Good work, thank you!

  6. Phil Lyddon
    Phil Lyddon says:

    A friend told me about this method many months ago but I completely forgot how he did it. Thanks for the refresher course!!
    Happy you were able to escape Oregon… sadly, I’m stuck here for awhile longer 😏

  7. Jennifer Cox
    Jennifer Cox says:

    If you haven't already can you cover canning/jarring meat in a grid down scenario. If we have a pot and open flame. I see how many say pressure canner for meats, but then I think how did they cann in the 1800's or earlier, not sure pressure canners were around then🤔

  8. OlSkunGun PS4
    OlSkunGun PS4 says:

    Preserving food hmm – beef jerky? But I don't really eat cow meat as I drink milk – drinking milk and eating beef, Jesus, it's cannibalism, it's like eating your own mother. So is porky jerky or chicken jerky or fishy jerky possible? Anyway, I can do my research but I'm too lazy.


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