VEGGIE PATE – VEGAN Pâté spread | Connie's RAWsome kitchen

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49 replies
  1. DontStartwMe
    DontStartwMe says:

    I have made this before.. but as I watch again.. just because I love to rewatch recipies my favorites 🙂… I was wondering if you have ever considered Browning your flour in a skillet first ??… My Hubby makes me quart sized jar of browned flour for my Gravy mixes I used to buy all the time.. rewatching this.. it just hit me that i.rhink browned flour would SET THIS Paté over the TOP !!)
    Just a thought tho girl 😋👌 I know you can REALLY RUN with little ideas.. Thanks for being AMAZZING !)) And thanks for sharing your recipe with us 💝✌

  2. Shelley Smith
    Shelley Smith says:

    Has anyone made this without the beetroot? Is it more for colouring than an essential ingredient? I am looking for a really good pate recipe but hubby is allergic to beetroot and I have never been a fan. Could I substitute with a red onion or maybe another root veg like celeriac or parsnip? Thanks for any help/suggestions.

  3. christelisland
    christelisland says:

    Connie you have no idea how much your videos have given me the courage to try making my own cheeses and meats. Thanks to you, I am getting my son on board with going vegan. Hopefully we can be completely vegan soon! Thank you💗

  4. shanna spencer
    shanna spencer says:

    One more thing where can I get the recipe for that neon green pesto!?!. It looks like it might be pea pesto I'm preying it is bc I love peas but I might be the only person on the planet that doesn't care for traditional basil pesto. TIA 😁

  5. shanna spencer
    shanna spencer says:

    I have a question. This looks like a challenging recipe that I'm going to try and tackle. At the end when it comes time to steam you don't say if the pate needs to be covered. If it does then what should be used as the cover? A lid? A paper tow? Maybe cling wrap? I can't wait to get started!!! 😄😄😄

  6. daksmom1999
    daksmom1999 says:

    Connie, with fall weather coming, I want to make comfort food. You made a recipe a while back, with a ton of veggies. You cut the veggies into about 1" chunks, and put them in a beautiful porcelain pot with a lid to it, and I believe you baked the veggies. I thought it was called aubergine, but I'm not positive of that. Anyway, I looked at all your videos, titles and pictures, and I didn't find the recipe I'm looking for. If you recall the recipe, can you link me to it? I'm looking to incorporate different winter squash into a recipe, without actually making a soup.

  7. lightawake
    lightawake says:

    Hi there, I just discovered your videos and your recipes look delicious. I want a food processor now lol. I keep being lured back into eating cooked/gluten whenever I see a spicy noodle challenge (ie. the instant korean noodles). That flavour is addictive…wondering if you have any thoughts about how to make a raw version??

  8. Heidi_Dato
    Heidi_Dato says:

    Can I freeze this? If I can, what stage should I freeze it? I am excited to try to make a few things to grab and go for the holidays so others can try your wonderful vegan dishes.

  9. Tara G
    Tara G says:

    Oh boy does this look good. Can’t wait to impress my non-vegan family with this at the holidays. You are so creative & a magician in the kitchen. One question, what is the wheat germ for in addition to the flour? I miss your voiceover though. It’s not the same without your storytelling and explanation of ingredients.


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