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I have more easy, vegan recipes on @BiancaTaylorFit.

28 replies
  1. @BiancaTaylorFit
    @BiancaTaylorFit says:

    Everyone who is concerned that this “isn’t enough calories” is missing the fact that I am 5’2 at 115lbs. (My bmr is only 1800 calories on days I don’t train) Bulking means you have to STEADILY increase calories – so working up to 2300 calories is not something you should do overnight. (Also this video was when I was just getting back to training after recovering from surgery where I was inactive for 4 months so it took months to rebuild my appetite. ) Remember to never assume you know someone’s body stays based on what you see online. ❤️

  2. @michaelalfonso1070
    @michaelalfonso1070 says:

    Thanks for the great, yummy ideas! Why gain weight, you look perfect! In your youth your metabolism is higher. When I was in my 2O’s I was a carnivore and didn’t workout, no cardio, but had great muscles and a 6 pack. I felt left out for not having a belly. As a vegan for 8 years, I am healthier, everything is improving, (like my vision). But no 6 pack. So overall I’m healthy.


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