Vegan Reuben Sandwich | The Wicked Kitchen

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This one is rather mind-blowing. Like many of the epic creations that come out of The Wicked Kitchen, this vegan-ized Reuben …

24 replies
  1. Barbara Runge
    Barbara Runge says:

    I had made note of this recipe, because I remember having an OUTSTANDING vegan Reuben many years ago in Illinois. Well, yesterday I made the seitan. I was a good girl and didn't slice it until today… I haven't even made the Reuben yet — just tasted the cold seitan and it is DELICIOUS!! It has a really good zing to it! I lost my head when actually making it and threw the whole liquid into the dry mix; but added more vital wheat gluten, as suggested, and it came out fine. I divided the batch into two smaller loaves to bake in my toaster oven. Took a bit longer to bake, but just kept checking it. So looking forward to making my sandwich!! I even bought your cookbook because it inspired me to get back into cooking (not that I quit; just been a bit lazy to put effort into making new items). Also, made your kale and avocado salad which was really tasty.

  2. Jennifer Hope Tinker
    Jennifer Hope Tinker says:

    Amazing! I knew I wanted to try this from the moment I got your cookbook but I felt intimidated and kept putting it off until your video showed up! I knew there were no more excuses and I had all of the ingredients. I made it this morning and it’s been cooling for the last hour or so. Just shaved a few pieces off to try…omg, this is life changing!! Thank you for making this recipe accessible with the companion video. Cannot wait for the Reubens later. Cheers.

  3. Finight
    Finight says:

    Excellent job! From your series can guess where you're from… hmm..
    I admire your collection! Beautiful theme you have. Exchange is just a virtual courteous gesture of appraisal.

  4. danofthedead1979
    danofthedead1979 says:

    Made seitan today, its so easy, i like to boil it in a broth for an hour (avantgarde vegan), let it sit, then leave in the fridge overnight for extra firmness. i like to slice into chicken bites size, make a mcrib style sauce for it with some cornflour, smother the pieces in the sauce and pan fry. Omg its amazing, you will not miss meat ever again. You can literally make 1-2 weeks worth in one batch, takes about 20-25 mins prep and kneeding.

  5. nyxs60
    nyxs60 says:

    I've heard so many complaints about how processed 'fake' meats are, but that just seems to be a fab mix of some great ingredients to make something wonderfully tasty!! Thank you 😀


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