Vegan Potato Shiitake Soup Recipe

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Delicious vegan potato shiitake mushroom soup. Become a Zombie Crew Patron: Cook & Survive E-Book here or Get …

20 replies
  1. Nathan Clark
    Nathan Clark says:

    Thanks for this recipe and adding the right amount of humor! Also, I very much appreciate you just sticking to cooking and not promoting the typical vegan pseudoscience propaganda about how GMO's are bad and all one's health problems can be solved with a vegan diet. I have been a dedicated vegetarian and mostly vegan eater for almost seventeen years so understand how most vegans with their illiteracy in science and lack of training in skepticism and critical thought do the veggie movement a great disservice by promoting sensationalized propaganda and misrepresentations of real science. I know both sides of the argument pretty well since I used to be this way myself until I went to university for biology and chemistry. It was there I started challenging my beliefs by researching what I thought was true only to find out almost everything I believed to be true was BS. It was very unnerving and hard to accept that I had been so dead wrong for so long and had been so very hateful in my arguments with people who actually knew the science. Can you believe that I actually argued with professors my freshman and sophomore years of college about GMO's not being safe and other BS propaganda that I had bought into from the corporate organic agenda?

    Anyway, like I said, regardless of what you think about some of the issues I mentioned, I really liked your video, your humor and your enthusiasm. I especially liked that you kept the show about cooking and made no bogus health claims or plugs for organic farming, which at the commercial level is not generally the sustainable, earth friendly, natural farming method most people delusionally think it is.

    Gonna be cooking up at least a quadruple recipe of this later in the week! Can't wait! All the best!

  2. Eugenia Loli
    Eugenia Loli says:

    This looks great, but I feel that it's a bit too loaded with potatoes. Instead of adding the 3 cubed potatoes towards the end, add apple instead, or rutabaga, or kohlrabi, or cauliflower stalks. More vitamins and a more complex flavor that way, and lower in carbs.

  3. Grace Humbles
    Grace Humbles says:

    Thank u soooo much for this! I'm 17 years old and only became vegan yesterday, already feeling like I have so much more energy 😀 going to stay vegan forever! I'm going to try this soup tonight 🙂


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