VEGAN GROCERY HAUL// How I stay lean and healthy 🍎πŸ₯‘πŸ πŸ₯’

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Hey guys, we got a online grocery delivery from countdown, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to show you all the kind of food I buy when we do an …

40 replies
  1. Tammie Pulley
    Tammie Pulley says:

    I’m not a big fan of broccoli but I love love the stems. I cut the outer skin off and cook them, steam or microwave. They remind me of artichoke hearts. They are sweet and I can’t believe I didn’t learn this until I got old.

  2. lizzzarduh
    lizzzarduh says:

    Ouchhhh that scrape up is pretty gnarly :/ I had a nasty one a few months ago from a roller skating accident it’s now a gnarly scar..remember to keep it plenty moist with something like petroleum jelly! We need a grocery delivery service that didn’t have to use plastic and came in paper bags like that! So jealous!

  3. Leslie Adams
    Leslie Adams says:

    Top 3 things on my shopping list mineral water, veggies, fish great inspiration video I just tried looking for that Japanese potatoe to no avail 😞 I’m not giving up!!!! You make them look so so good I have to try one.

  4. Tawni Casteel
    Tawni Casteel says:

    A great demonstration of living a whole foods lifestyle. My 3 things are cucumbers, tomatoes and spinach. BTW: Two of my children preferred the broccoli stalks. Peeled with a paring knife and cut like carrot sticks, then steamed with the florets or eaten raw. Thirty years later, they still will only eat the stalks.

  5. Dawn Klinter
    Dawn Klinter says:

    Top three …blueberries, broccoli, honey crisp apples… all three every day. Love your videos!!!! Keep them coming, you keep me motivated.
    Thanks to you and your family for all the great examples!

  6. Miriam Wallman
    Miriam Wallman says:

    Love this video SO much. Your kiddos are just gorgeous. I always have potatoes, sweet potatoes and broccoli in my weekly shopping. Our staples look very similar, although I usually have some fermented foods as well, such as kimchi and sauerkraut. High in sodium, yes, but they hit the spot for summer bowl toppers for me!

  7. julie werner
    julie werner says:

    Tinned beans, oat milk and bananas 🍌 Thanks so much Chelsea, you seem to be the one who keeps me on track the most, probably as I can get all the ingredients here in Country Victoria Australia though I do drive 50 kilometres each way to get my white sweet potato….πŸ‘πŸŒ…πŸŒ… cheers Jules ps I am really interested in your Indian legume mix please?

  8. Shanni Welsh
    Shanni Welsh says:

    My top three items on my shopping list are lots of veggies and some fruit, dates and recently frozen blueberries because I watched the video where you add oat milk and PB2. Now I’m a little obsessed. I have tons of grains and beans in my pantry after Covid lockdowns. I think it will take me a year to get through all of it. πŸ˜‚

  9. stargazerbird
    stargazerbird says:

    So jealous of the space you have for food. It’s my big problem. In the winter I use the outside porch to keep my veg fresh but in summer it’s a problem. My pantry is like a quarter that size. Vegans need housing subsidies to build food store extensions!

  10. marionkine
    marionkine says:

    Saturday's farmers market staples are 1 bunch leafy greens, at least 1 cruciferous (rather 2, 1 broccoli or 1 cauliflower and another one), non cruciferous veggies, 1 root veggie, fruits. I aldo try to stick to seasonly/local/low waste.
    Agree on James Clear 😊

  11. Nicola S
    Nicola S says:

    Chef AJ calls it the freezer scrap bag, in which she adds the stems, skins etc to make a big pot of veggie broth regularly. Big return for little effort. ! πŸ™‚

  12. David's Allotment
    David's Allotment says:

    Great vegan grocery haul video Chelsea and yes supermarket delivery services are available in the UK directly from the supermarket's from the major UK retailers with the exception of the discounters (I think they use a third party delivery service to provide grocery deliveries). Love πŸ₯° the video and love πŸ’•πŸ’žChelsea & her beautiful family πŸ‘ͺ.

  13. Be myself Jamie
    Be myself Jamie says:

    How lovely your family is! Thank you Chelsea for sharing the video and the idea of changing habits. The top 3 things on my list are always bananas, sweet potatoes and veggies for my salad. πŸ™‚

  14. Tosca
    Tosca says:

    Fyi: those fantastic Macro frozen pitted cherries have been mucked up by them now including bloody blackberries and some other thing (I forget). I think I'm going to have to write a protest to Woolworths!!!
    PS: if I want blackberries or another berry I'll buy that.
    PPS: potatoes, Tuscan kale, parsley (I grow it but it's never enough) ☺️


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