Vegan Gochujang Pasta | 10 Minute Recipe (My New Favourite Go To!)

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Gochujang Pasta Recipe: DOWNLOAD MY EBOOKS …

46 replies
  1. Claire Boyd
    Claire Boyd says:

    We italians salt pasta water so the pasta won't taste shallow! Nothing weird 😜 ❤ I sooo want to try this out, I'm making my traditional pasta-loving boyfriend go crazy with all these asian pastas I'm making these days, but they're just too good. Just spent 70 Euros at the asian supermarket because of your recipes and I'm NOT feeling guilty. 💅

  2. Keshvir Tugh
    Keshvir Tugh says:

    Adding salt to the water will help increase the boiling point of the water which wll allow the pasta to cook faster, Rose
    Also adding salt should help with bringing out the flavour

  3. Brittany D
    Brittany D says:

    I have to get to the store to find some gochujuang, it always looks amazing when you make things with it!!
    Have you seen the daily dozen challenge? I think it would be a fun video for you to make and for us to see 😬

  4. Kathryn L
    Kathryn L says:

    OMG yum! Our Trader Joe's just started carrying gochujang but it's in a demure little container for the newbies, not the awesome colossus you've got. And I love your red hair, it looks fabulous on you!

  5. Rebecca L.
    Rebecca L. says:

    I just made this today and besides my roue being extremely lumpy and not adding the tomato paste (you can honestly get away with not usig it if you dont want to) this is amazing and the Bomb! it just makes the pasta dish pretty spicy and I 💗💗💗💗 spicy food.

  6. Marc C
    Marc C says:

    Gout sufferers beware of the nutritional yeast, large chance it will trigger a flare. Yeast in all forms has been a recent trigger for me as of 4 – 6 months ago

  7. Carolyn Milheron
    Carolyn Milheron says:

    Rose, here is what I found about salting pasta water. "Salting Water for Flavor
    Usually, you add salt to water in order to boil the water to cook rice or pasta. Adding salt to water adds flavor to the water, which is absorbed by the food. Salt enhances the ability of chemoreceptors in the tongue to detect molecules that are perceived through the sense of taste.""

  8. Jamie Cee49
    Jamie Cee49 says:

    You salt the pasta water to give pasta flavor. Cause that is the only time you can flavor it. And the water should almost taste like sea water. At least that's what the chefs on FN says. lol. I am sensitive to spice. But it looks good.

  9. Rebecca L.
    Rebecca L. says:

    Thanks for another great recipe. I am planning on trying this especially since it contains "Korean crack". I love spicy food and have been wanting to make pasta but, wasnt sure if I could add "Korean crack" without making someone upset. Thanks for showing me how to do it.😋

  10. Marianne Braziunas
    Marianne Braziunas says:

    Salting the water is a way to flavor your pasta during the cooking process. It also helps flavor your sauce if you add in some of the pasta water at the end. Salt also speeds up the process of bringing water to its boiling point. Yes, I am Italian 😊🍝

  11. meli·na 💕🕷️
    meli·na 💕🕷️ says:

    hi! i'm italian and i love gochujang!! i don't usually use it as a sauce for pasta, but rather for marinade mock-meats and for dressing for raw veggies, i promise next time i'll try it with some pasta too!

    a tip for the bechamel: when you add the nd milk into the roux, make sure it's warm/hot milk, it helps with the clumps 🥰🥰

  12. ProcrastinatorsAnon
    ProcrastinatorsAnon says:

    I can handle spice, but I don't enjoy it all. Wish I did though… I'm the nutjob mysteriously getting mad while eating because her food is spicy and she didn't even notice. Very glad Viet food is spice optional lol

  13. J A
    J A says:

    Im Italian and I just made your Tteokbokki recipe last week for the first time. My father said wow that pasta looks delicious! Lol he thought the rice cakes were penne pasta.


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