vegan GF green bean casserole | hot for food

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make a vegan, gluten-free green bean casserole that’s creamy, delicious, and easy to make for your Thanksgiving feast!

34 replies
  1. Riri Carter
    Riri Carter says:

    Thanks for the recipe!!!

    If you don’t wanna cry when cutting onions breathe through your mouth.

    But crying from onions is a good anti-microbial for your sinuses. It’s a win-win either way.

  2. G3ty
    G3ty says:

    The sharper your knife, the cleaner your cut. If you have a dull knife its scraping at the onion leaving more poors to release those TERRIBLE ONION FUMES.

  3. Victoria Kathleen
    Victoria Kathleen says:

    Her saying traditional fried onions are made with buttermilk scared me…
    I just double checked and the French's brand (the kind my family always uses) and the Kroger brand have no milk!! They do have gluten though, so if you're gluten free you'll probably have to make them from scratch.

  4. Sue Medeiros
    Sue Medeiros says:

    Made this for the first time. I used to love when my mom made it and thought when am I ever gonna have that again? I did tonight..this recipe is amazing. I love my green beans a little more cooked, but the sauce was out of this world and yes onions addicting! Bravo!

  5. mtatts08
    mtatts08 says:

    So I made this today, I used oat milk to add creaminess to "cream sauce." I only had bella mushrooms and diced them up fine vs chunky. I prefer my green beans cooked more and leave the crunch aspect of this dish to the onion rings. Would recommend making it! Super yummy.

  6. Miki Klann
    Miki Klann says:

    I always cry when cutting onions! In the past I have put on swim googles – this works but kids have a good laugh. Another tip: don't put your face directory over the onion as you cut, keep it off to the side, this helps quite a bit actually.

  7. Blessed Knew
    Blessed Knew says:

    Hiya Lauren! Would this mushroom cream sauce work as a pasta sauce?? Like tossed with fettuccine noodles? I have a taste for mushroom pasta and have been tryna figure a vegan sauce out… love ya and preordering the cookbook!!!


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