VEGAN CHILI CHEESE POTATOES 🥔 Gloriously cheesy, crunchy & scrumptious!

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I have to admit I was a huge fan of chili cheese fries (and even chili cheese hotdogs!) before I switched to a whole food plant based diet and there has always …

35 replies
  1. Margaret D
    Margaret D says:

    FYI – I just learned that cooking potatoes in an air fryer isn't the best choice because the starches – which convert to sugars – can form acrylamide, which is a precancerous chemical. Apparently, you have to be careful to cook potatoes at a lower temperature and not overcook them. It's best not to bake, fry or roast starchy vegetables. Additionally, it helps if you peel the potatoes and soak them in water so that some of the starches wash away. And we are advised not to store potatoes in the refrigerator. Also, the National Cancer Institute recommends you blanch your potatoes in boiling water briefly before you bake/fry/roast to minimize acrylamide production (The American Cancer Society recommends soaking potatoes 15-30 minutes before frying or roasting) and, preferably, consider boiling, wet sauteing, or steaming them because these cooking methods don't tend to produce acrylamide.

  2. Krissy Zarlengo
    Krissy Zarlengo says:

    Darn I wish me and my body liked the cashew plus nutritional yeast combo. Seems most cheese sauces are those ingredients as the base. Your desserts are awesome though, skipping this and looking fwd to the next video. Much love!

  3. judyhoomalamalama
    judyhoomalamalama says:

    YUM.cant wait to try this. . I love those little colorful bowls that u have your spices in . I ll look on your kitchen supply site on Amazon & hopefully they will b there as I need some more small ones as I broke all of mine. Grrr.

  4. Lone Wolfe
    Lone Wolfe says:

    I'm confused by the use of the word Vegan in so many of your videos. To me, Vegan and WFPB are not the same. I always tell people that Vegan is an ethical viewpoint that drives a diet. They still eat oil, sugar, salt, etc, whereas WFPB do not.

  5. Kristi J
    Kristi J says:

    Looks delicious! I already have a bag of Noochy Licious but had not used it yet. I tried to order a bag with your link but the order would never process….if you make a one-time purchase rather than the subscription, you are taken to a page where your order perpetually "processes" and the website keeps trying to upsell you a bunch of e-cookbooks. VERY frustrating. I left that page up for 45 minutes and my order never went through. Can you check on that, Jill? I still want to purchase a bag but I do not want to do a subscription.

  6. Jane Goodfellow
    Jane Goodfellow says:

    Used some birthday money to buy your book & absolutely love it! Going to be so helpful in enabling me to eat well & healthily, & particularly cutting down on how much sugar I eat. I've got the ingredients for your brownies & am planning to make them today or tomorrow.

  7. Cammi Eklund
    Cammi Eklund says:

    Do you know of a way to cook beans or make a chili that isn't mushy? I have such an aversion to mushy foods!😨 The potatoes are mushy in themselves, then beans are mushy too….It's just too much mush in total for my tastebuds. 🤣 The flavors in this dish must be amazing, I can tell bcs I have done similar recipes, but what to do when I really detest the consistency? Any tips on what to do? Also getting seriously bloated. I'm almost a year in and I'm bloating all the time.🤪

  8. Peaches Skin Care
    Peaches Skin Care says:

    Jill I was referred to your channel and I am so happy I was. I am a holistic master esthetician of about 40 years. I teach aging and beauty naturally 🙌🏻 I am vegan and almost 56 and I feel amazing. Loved this! 🍑🙌🏻🧡Lisa

  9. Sydney Drake
    Sydney Drake says:

    Anyone read up on Resistant Starch? Would refrigerating the cooked potatoes overnight and stuffing them the next day have any benefit to someone trying to reduce the starch intake? (They'd probably need to finish longer in the oven at a lower temp to bring it all back to warm). Just wondering here…

  10. Vickie Allsopp
    Vickie Allsopp says:

    Oh my how delicious this looks and can't wait to try this! I'm in process of changing over to vegetarian/ vegan and it's definitely a patient process & at times difficult & recipes like this helps so much! Thank you again🥰


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