Ultra Creamy Mashed Potatoes Recipe – Natasha's Kitchen

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This creamy mashed potatoes recipe is shockingly good! This easy recipe is absolutely one of the best Thanksgiving and Christmas worthy side dishes.

47 replies
  1. nabsky
    nabsky says:

    After rct pain really killing me with my face, jaw, lymph and gums sensitivity, but dammit im hungry. So tonight i think i will cook some of this with a little adjustment on the measurements to keep away the throbbing. Thank you

  2. Sunflxwer
    Sunflxwer says:

    I'm literally scrolling through your YouTube page, being like:
    I'm gonna make this…no no no I'm actually gonna make this, actually I think it's easy to make this, hmm I don't feel like something sweet, this looks so delicious, but this chocolate mousse looks way delicious too ugh I'm just
    gonna cook everything.

  3. Carl King
    Carl King says:

    Well, in my neck of the woods those are known as "whipped" potatoes. Mashed potatoes are normally made with a potato masher, just saying. Around here people want to find a small piece or two of potato in the final product , that way they know you didn't use instant potatoes out of a box .

  4. w3rh4x0r5
    w3rh4x0r5 says:

    So far I loved all of Natasha's recipes that I've tried, for an exception of this one. The potatoes came out to be very gooey like a paste. A sieve (although painful) yielded a much better result. Sorry Natasha – thumbs down on this one.

  5. Scott Charlton
    Scott Charlton says:

    I make mashed potatoes about the same way, but often I add a couple of tablespoons of horseradish which gives them a slight “kick”. Never had a complaint yet. In fact normally I am asked what did I do, they are wonderful. You want add enough horseradish for the kick, but not enough to really tase the horseradish. Also, I leave the skin on, both for flavor and appearance. Then like you I sprinkle what ever fresh spice I have on hand.


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