Two Weeks on Carb Cycling | MidLife➔FitLife Episode 7

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Am I seeing results from Carb Cycling? Do I really want to continue with this? Am I LOSING WEIGHT? Things Mentioned …

41 replies
  1. Sarah Doan Peace
    Sarah Doan Peace says:

    Sweet, dear, wonderful, honest, joyful, genuine, beautiful Bobbie, we do NOT “put up with you” we ENJOY you and follow your journey because you’re real, beautiful inside AND out, bring the joy, honesty, authenticity and reality of most of us (even those of us younger than mid-life 😉 I’m 38 and you’re one of my favorite YTers!). Please give yourself grace. And just do what’s best for you. We’re here for the journey and no apologies necessary. I also would agree with the other commentors who said the Mediterranean Diet and exercise, you clearly bike and walk! I don’t struggle with my weight but know many people who have lost and maintained a healthier weight and lifestyle with the Mediterranean diet. It might be worth looking into! Whatever you decide, thanks for taking us along for the ride! God Bless you!!!

  2. Cecil Hudson
    Cecil Hudson says:

    I agree with other comments saying trying a nutritionist. I think some professional insight would be helpful.
    I've heard Primal Kitchen makes some good condiments/dressings.

  3. lois lind
    lois lind says:

    You are in great shape to be cycling that many miles!!! So commendable!!!
    I am love your ability to be so honest!! Few have that quality!!!! 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

  4. Terresa Hobbs
    Terresa Hobbs says:

    I hear you saying often that your having friends over and your family is having desert, then you proceed to beat yourself up over having some along side of them. Have you tried sugar free, or lower sugar deserts? You could have your lower sugar desert and they could have the higher sugar desert. I have done keto and made fat bombs that satisfy the sweet tooth.

  5. Milari
    Milari says:

    I feel really sorry for you Bobbi if you live like that, thinking all the time what and how much you ate, thats not good for your health, you have beautiful family that doesn't care how much you wait, they love you for you and if you are healthy otherwise enjoy your life 😀

  6. Lonny King
    Lonny King says:

    When I ate Keto, I counter on carb manager for a while until I got comfortable with the foods I ate from day to day and about what 20 grams of carbs looked like. Then I let myself go with out. Then if I started to gain and didn't know where I went wrong I would go back to carb manager for a refresh on what my carbs look like. But you begin to figure out how many carbs are in most of the foods you eat.

  7. thresasepulvado
    thresasepulvado says:

    You asked why we put up with you. For myself you are so sweet, so pretty, have a contagious smile and you make me laugh. I too need to lose weight and am inspired by your journey. I haven’t yet decided to start “dieting” but hope I will soon. And watching you gives me hope.

  8. Pamela Chappell
    Pamela Chappell says:

    I enjoy your videos so much. I have struggled with my weight all my life and menopause has certainly not made it easier! To speak to your concern with tracking carbs, I mostly eat meat. Whenever I get hungry (mid-morning) I usually eat bacon and eggs, which has essentially no carbs. I then eat mostly meat for dinner with a small salad or side of non starchy veg for dinner. I eat all the meat, bacon, eggs, steak, chicken, etc that I want with very little veg. I find that if I eat enough protein and fat (which is hard to wrap your mind around) I don't crave lots of other carbs/sweets. You will find what works for you. Wishing you the very best. Hugs

  9. WS23
    WS23 says:

    I am tending to agree with your viewer about not counting carbs for veggies… I am trying to believe that if I can't eat a bowl of brussel sprouts without worrying about too many carbs, then what's the point!? Certainly not potatoes or corn, etc… but lettuce, broccoli, all of those healthy greens… seems silly to count these healthy carbs!

  10. JNearyenMexico
    JNearyenMexico says:

    If you don´t want to track or count calories try reading Fast.Feast.Repeat by Gin Stephens. She also has a podcast – maybe listen to a few episodes, it´s free and entertaining and called Intermittent Fasting Stories.

  11. Vicki Zeimen
    Vicki Zeimen says:

    Bobbie, you might start a "non scale victory" journal where you put in all the victories you have that have nothing to do with the scale. I mean, you're eating healthy, your exercising, planning ahead, etc. etc. You are doing the correct things for your body and longevity. Those things are as important or more so than what the scale says.

  12. Vicki Zeimen
    Vicki Zeimen says:

    I know they make gel bike seats. Do you have one of those. I think I'd look into solutions like that since you can't find the padded shorts. If you're handy with a needle and thread you can purchase the cushion on it's own and put it into the shorts/pants you like to ride in. Search for removable bike shorts pad, there are several options. I have a friend who takes a good supportive bra, cuts the straps off and sews it into her swimsuits because she can't find supportive suits for her size/shape.

  13. Robin Hillyer-Miles
    Robin Hillyer-Miles says:

    I always bake the potatoes for a Frogmore Stew / Lowcountry Boil since the original recipe doesn't call for them and they do get soggy. The Cajuns introduced the potatoes and sometimes crabs into the mix, and every now and again dinner crawdads. 🙂 But now I do only the shrimp and corn and make the husband cook the sausage on the grill so the meat taste doesn't mess up my meal! Hahaha

  14. Simply Tammy
    Simply Tammy says:

    I tried the G Hughes sugar free BBQ sauce and really liked it. I also like the Log Cabin sugar free syrup, if you’re looking for a syrup. Weight loss is definitely a journey.

  15. Dani
    Dani says:

    I really like G Hughes sugar free BBQ sauce. I get it from Walmart. It has 0 sugar and 2g carbs per 2tbsp. It's the only low/zero sugar BBQ sauce I can stand.

  16. Denise Wilson
    Denise Wilson says:

    Bobbi, STOP!!! You are a beautiful person inside and out, stop defining yourself on your weight, and I am talking to myself also. I am 62 years old and I have been doing this all my life. When are we going to stop judging ourselves? I just want to live my life at this point and stop worrying about my weight. You are an inspiration because of who you are and not what your weight is, take the pressure off yourself. You have a lovely family who loves you and doesn’t care about your weight. Just enjoy your beautiful life and family!!!

  17. Ann Gregory
    Ann Gregory says:

    I’m so disappointed with MyFitness Pal. I’ve used the free app for years and was very happy with it. Now, they changed the free app to not allow the ability to scan bar codes. Now they require you to pay for a premium plan in order to have the ability to scan bar codes. 😢

  18. Barbara
    Barbara says:

    LOL the beginning sounded like a symphony of crackling bacon and you're 'OW' 'SO'♥ Oh no a yolk breaker😮😭 sigh. .. .we can still be friends! The weight struggle is real, it's is personal and yes it has to be for you. You got this Bobbie in your own time & schedule! So proud of you for all the wins you are achieving and look forward to continuing your journey – enjoy the ride🚴

    For anyone interested or helps anyone else: for me I've finally realized food is my friend. I don't count anything, I try my best to just keep it simple, my goal is to be healthy so I can be around for a long time without unnecessary health issues. I meal plan & food prep weekly, always have some homecooked meals in the freezer for easy swap outs and not have to cook everyday. I always have a ton of cut up veggies, hummus, greens, fruit etc. I love soup no matter the season. I'm lucky as I enjoy cooking and don't eliminate any food groups. I exercise daily that is good for post menopause, yoga, walking and strength training – nothing crazy and not for hours either.

    By simple I mean I have some go to's -> 3-4 breakfast options, soup, sandwich (not always a bread, sometimes it's using lettuce or collard greens as a wrap), snack plate or salad for lunch and supper a very long list of favorites plus always looking for new items. For me it's 1-2 fruits a day, protein at every meal, veggies half the plate, and whole some carbs. Portion size and very limited processed food of any kind.

    I see a difference in how my clothes feel on me, I purchased some t-shirts mid summer without trying them on, washed them and then realized they were a little snug clinging to my love rolls ♥- no worries as I said to myself the t-shirts are just for around the house and eventually they will fit better. Well as of last week when I ran out of clean tees to wear I put on one of the tees and lo and behold they don't fit snug anymore HOORAY !! and the scale only moved by 1-2 pounds but my body is always changing – getting stronger and shrinking. I'll take that for a win, for me this is a life change and no longer a diet to lose weight; I'm the tortoise that will my own race♥

  19. Christine LaPorte
    Christine LaPorte says:

    Sweet Baby Ray’s no sugar added barbecue sauce has 4 grams of carbs, per 2 Tbsp serving. I personally think there is no way to be accountable to the weight loss plan that you have decided to follow, without logging all the food you eat.

  20. Helga Neufeld
    Helga Neufeld says:

    Please stop apologizing for “letting us down”. We are your partners and encouragers, and do not expect perfection. Also, give yourself grace in this next year. When I left my school job 10 years ago, that first year away was quite emotional. Felt very alone and out of the loop. Had to readjust my life including social circle and hobbies. You got this!

  21. Karen Hoff
    Karen Hoff says:

    Someone commented on Dr Eric Westman at Duke University. He simplifies it so much. No macros to track per say. I’ve lost 50 on his plan. 2 to go. I took his Keto Made Simple class on line. It is keto but he makes it so doable and you’re not overwhelmed w tracking. He says you don’t crave what you don’t eat. And after you reach your goal there are 2 more phases where you add more carbs in.

  22. Lisa Harr1
    Lisa Harr1 says:

    I think you should not be so hard on yourself ! The mindset of perfection is so wrong ! Just think of each day as progress – eat everything in moderation and keep your body moving ! It’s also good to eat a few bites less at each meal so you aren’t stuffed. No one gets overweight in a day or a single meal, it just takes time and persistence. Allow yourself some enjoyment in your food and treats ! Just cutting back a little bit reduces the caloric intake – it takes approximately 3500 calorie reduction to lose a pound, just chip away at that day by day by eating a little less and limiting the treats ! You will get there Bobbie ! Remember your family, friends and fans love you for who you are, and we all got your back in this journey !!

  23. WildIARose
    WildIARose says:

    Thank you for continuing to share your journey! I lost about 50 pounds a few years ago by switching to KETO (not clean). I’ve kept the weight off until recently. I’m up about 7-8 pounds and need to get back to a much lower carb way of eating. I truly feel better with low carb…less joint pain & stiffness, less bloating or GI issues, more energy, etc. I know what I need to do but man alive Pizza is delicious! 😂 My absolute favorite sugar free BBQ sauce is G. Hughes Sugar Free Carolina Style Sweet Heat. Only 1g carbs but it is sweetened with Sucralose but it’s the last ingredient on the list so it’s very small amounts. Keep experimenting and don’t give up! We’re all here to support you! 🎉

  24. Patti
    Patti says:

    What is working for me is walking 3-5 miles a day on my treadmill or weather permitting, I go out to the lake and walk. I also eat once a day watching carbs and calories. Down 18# since August 1. I don’t beat myself up if I eat somewhat bad one day. I just don’t do it all the time. I also keep myself busy and don’t sit all that often. I may be cleaning stuff that doesn’t really need to be done but I’m moving and stretching my body. I know if I sit down I may mindlessly eat and I don’t wanna do that.

  25. Imar5d
    Imar5d says:

    It is just amazing….. hearing you is like hearing myself. I lost 70lbs on WW in 2017. However, I’ve regained almost every single pound 😕. Last week I restarted but instead of WW, I’m doing “Healthi” (used to be itrack bites). It is so much easier because I can go back to that old WW plan that was so much more manageable for me. I use the Sugar Smart, I’m tacking it day by day.

  26. Earthy Empath DEB
    Earthy Empath DEB says:

    No counting, no daily weighing. Intermittent fasting 5 days a week and some muscle building exercise (I have a vibration plate with 15 minute programs on it and I do squats and light arm weights while I’m on it) and just eat lowER carb, not necessarily KETO. Look up the benefits of a vibration plate, there are SO many and 15 minutes and you’re DONE. You can still do your biking, of course, but do that for fun. FYI, intermittent fasting will burn fat from unusual places first and your body composition will be more even. I can’t stress enough how not eating until noon and stopping at 6-6:30 pm has helped me. You’re going to drive yourself nuts with all of that counting and weighing.

  27. Lisa
    Lisa says:

    Check out Autumn Bates as she is a registered nutritionist who has a YouTube channel regarding low carb and intermittent fasting. She explains healthy normal eating and how to do it without all the crazy counting. And then to help with all the thoughts that important for a healthy relationship with yourself listen to the podcast “Losing 100 pounds with Corinne Crabtree”. She lost 100 pounds and has kept it off for 15 years. She does cuss so be aware but she has the BEST program to change your relationship with food. 12k member around the whole world who have lost a lot of weight. Then hypnosis to support it all.


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