Tuesday Talk | Sep Weight Loss Results | Budget Recap and Average Daily Cost of Clean Ketovore!

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Tuesday Talk | Sep Weight Loss Results | Budget Recap and Average Daily Cost of Clean Ketovore! Last Budget Recap Video: …

38 replies
  1. RV thereyet?(Dan & Sammy asking=)
    RV thereyet?(Dan & Sammy asking=) says:

    Could not agree more~ it truly does "pay to be prepared", plus it gives me the added bonus of not having to figure it out on the spot, or make myself wait until I can get to something more suitable. That tends to make for a grumpier me, as my husband can attest to.=)
    I'm also a very slow loser, & I've accepted it as likely indicating that it will be permanent~ at least as far as my past attempts at weight loss. I've been in a holding pattern for over 6 months now, & I think starting weight training is responsible for part of it. I started at 217 lbs over a year ago, & I've been at 193 since April~ in other words, a snail's pace! Since I've been one meal a day from the start, it may be time to switch it up- a few longer fasts perhaps.
    *Another possibility I'm considering is that I may be undereating since I can only manage about 6-8 oz meat for that one meal. I've been trying to top it off with some homemade cacao butter/MCT powder fat bombs a couple hours later, but those are "sweets" to me, so maybe not the best right now. I check glucose & ketones every morning, & they're almost always really good. I cannot imagine that my body is trying to settle into a set weight of 193, as my husband suggested. Considering I'm 57 yrs old, & only 5'6" tall, not 6'2" like he isšŸ˜‚(who btw has lost 60# in same amount of time!)
    Ok, enough chatty me. Thanks for all that you share Anita, it's more helpful than I can even say…plus it would be yet another paragraph! Have a peaceful, lovely wknd~Samantha

  2. Brian
    Brian says:

    As long as you're headed in the right direction, I consider that a win, so congrats on that. There are weeks I think I've behaved and done well, only to find out I stayed the same or gained a few pounds, and I'm like how did that happen.

  3. Lil Momma
    Lil Momma says:

    No flack from me girlfriend!šŸ˜Š. I love my coffee too! Otherwise, I am Carnivore. 3.6 lbs is great! Congratulations! Keep up all the great videos. Itā€™s so appreciated šŸ„°. Thank you!

  4. pkr rkp
    pkr rkp says:

    You, Anita, are such a beautiful, honest and encouraging soul. Those results are really so terrific. You represent those of us that in tortoise-like fashion WILL eventually achieve our goals, as will you.

  5. Rosemary Nettro
    Rosemary Nettro says:

    Congrats on your on your inches & weight lost…I can tell a difference in your face in the last couple of weeks & made a comment to my husband that she has lost weight in her face….Awesome. Enjoy your channel.

  6. Karen G
    Karen G says:

    You did awesome! šŸ‘ We all know life has a way of happening and can change the best laid plans. We always want more, but losing more slowly is healthier.
    Have a great week šŸ¤—

  7. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    Well, keep going Anita. 3 lb is still 3 lb. Good for you. I did not stick to the purchasing only one big purchase a week as I work in a supermarket and I always see new deals, every day. So hard. I am going to try and control myself. Try, May be a 3 letter word but it is a big word to me.
    I havenā€™t totally figured out Octoberā€™s challenge yet. I was going to try and exercise 6 days a week in. October but I hurt myself at work last Tuesday and I am still hurting from it. Donā€™t think I am going to do that or finish off the month with 3x a week. I did have one week where I did it 5x. I was so proud of myself. I may have to take that up again in November. I will try and exercise a couple of times a week once this thing totally heals. I tripped on a rubber mat and went flying. Hurt my right knee and my upper right rib area. The rib is the only thing still bothering me. It didnā€™t really bruise as it wasnā€™t black and blue but it still hurt. I was very lucky I didnā€™ā€™t hurt myself worse. Ugh.

  8. K C
    K C says:

    Anita, thanks and šŸŽ‰for the 3s!!!! Could you/would you be willing to tell us about your ā€œself talkā€ – how you master not having any desserts;how you stop eating more once you have eaten your meal; no cream in the coffee? Thanks for sharing, you give me hopešŸ˜Š

  9. Elizabeth Soenen
    Elizabeth Soenen says:

    Neat how youā€™re teaching folks about the cost. So intensive for you but Iā€™m sure itā€™s very helpful to many and is also encouraging. You definitely have a teacherā€™s heartā¤. Thank you.

  10. Floppy Bob
    Floppy Bob says:

    Seeing that I was on a 5 week weight stall, I'd be thrilled if I saw a 3.6 loss…. GREAT job Anita! Especially where you cook and taste test for your videos… THATS control!

  11. Wendy Humphreys Tebbutt
    Wendy Humphreys Tebbutt says:

    Anita, I've shed between 3 and 4 pounds in the last few months, and about 4 to 5 pounds in the previous year! I'm cuurently on a 4 month challenge to be out of diabetic and prediabetic range by Christmas. All this since September 1 and for the first time ever, my morning blood glucose numbers have all been in the 4.1-4.9 range. What's the difference in my menus? Salad plus meat category – no steamed veggies. And Mondays are always carnivore. And my intermittent fasting provides lunch and dinner w/i a 6 hour window. I've done a few 20-22-24 hr fasts that weren't required…i simply discovered I wasn't hungry. And, while I've plateau'd, my weight has re-distributed so that I don't have to unbutton my trousers … the waist pulls over my hips really easily! LOL! I think it was either Dr Berg or Dr Berry who often says, "Don't eat to lose weight and then get healthy. INSTEAD…Eat to get healthy and the weight will come off." Since i heard that, that's how i deal with my health and the weight and it feels really good! You're looking great and sound healthy, please do encourage yourself to just keep eating well and realize the weight can come off. The word "shed" above is used very intentionally, as the brain always tries to find anything we've lost… but not what we've shed. AND, saying the pounds CAN come allows the brain to help you find ways to make that come true, whereas saying something like I WILL lose pounds will only activate the brain to remember all the times when you have NOT succeeded in that endeavour. Also, when 2 wordus sound the same yet have different meanings, we often use the first meaning we learned as a child as our default meaning. So, a question we can ask ourselves is, "what are you weighting for for the wait to come off?" OK, 'nuff for now. Thanks so much for these Tuesday Talks :-)). Yours in Gratitude

  12. Molly Taylor
    Molly Taylor says:

    Amazing video! These tips are super useful and really educational. Question for you… have you ever tried Next Level Diet? I got a muscle-building meal plan from them that's worked wonders for me.

  13. Darlene Smith
    Darlene Smith says:

    Thank you Anita for your encouraging advice. Today I found sugar free Kirkland Bacon today! Iā€™ve been looking everywhere. I love your videos, your cooking and wonderful tips. Bless you and have a great couple days, until Thursdayā€™s video.

  14. tamstar1
    tamstar1 says:

    Please dont be down for any weight loss, congrats on all you have lost! your passion for cooking low/no carb is awesome, love your vids. thank you for being so inspiring! much love

  15. Roni P
    Roni P says:

    Congratulations on the pounds and inches lost! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ I've always considered inches lost a much better measurement of fat loss than what the scale reads. There's so many things that can affect the number on the scale that aren't a true reflection of fat loss.

  16. Lynn Williams
    Lynn Williams says:

    I am terrible eat a ribeye everyday and can of cod liver if I want it . I do Fast 72 hrs missing two days of any eating. I fix some of meals I find from you and Neisha Berry not for me but a family member. I am getting into black coffee. I am skinny already. I forgot I eat an egg in coffee in AM. Holidays I do Keto and have things like cheesecake.

  17. Maudegrey
    Maudegrey says:

    Anita I could not do what you do. Being accountable to all your subscribers I think you had a good month you lost ! My first glance at you on this video I thought you looked thinner. Hey take that weight loss. You know you worked hard. I get the whole stressed over a scale, I just walk by the scale at the doctors office. The nurse says did you forget something "no just mark me as refused."šŸ¤—
    Pumpkin Yum I watched Keto Chows live stream Chris named all the ingredients in the Pumpkin Keto Chow Soup. Iā€™m gathering all of them and Iā€™ll will be making it. Hope you check it out

  18. Lou Cadle
    Lou Cadle says:

    Good information. Almost exactly what I spend, shopping the sales. And a pound a week rate is still great weight loss, especially when you're approaching your final goal. (Goes fast at first, of course, but those last months can go slowly.) I played low-cost bingo today, won some Halloween candy, and distributed it to everyone else without a second of regret. Those are the victories I savor!


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