Trying 6 Coffees From 6 Countries | Spain, Austria, Pakistan, Mexico, India, Sweden

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To try Saturnbird Coffee here is a link: Thank you to everyone who submitted a coffee for me to try today: Thomas and Markus, Evelyn, Nuria, …

24 replies
  1. 강에블린
    강에블린 says:

    Beryl! It was so nice talking about Mexican coffee, I honestly appreciate so much how you bring the world together with a common topic. I had such a fun time and I got to learn a lot. I also feel happy that people can learn a bit of my country from me. 😀

    ¡Muchísimas gracias! ❤️🇲🇽

  2. Tan Rui Qin
    Tan Rui Qin says:

    Why everybody think South Korea invented Dalgona coffee? The evidence is here on YouTube, Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant, episode 10 part 1, 33 minute. Long story short, a guy ordered coffee from a cafe in Macau, saw the coffee making, tasted the coffee and then said taste it like Dalgona, that is it!

  3. Adri Villafañe
    Adri Villafañe says:

    Hello from Argentina! The whipped coffee from Pakistan reminds me of my dad. He's been drinking his café batido every day after lunch for at least the last 39 years.
    This video brought this memory from my childhood and made me smile. Thank you!

  4. AK B
    AK B says:

    The Austrian lads were cute as a button… Surely that's the coffee I definitely want to try together with Karlsson as they both have got Cointreau with the bitterness I like… Hah

  5. Sush💜
    Sush💜 says:

    Chukku kaappi becomes a staple at rainy days. Its more of a medicine than an enjoyment tbh. The warm concoction of spicy chukku aka dried ginger plus peppercorns with bitter coffee will help with your cold.

  6. A D R
    A D R says:

    If you shake instant coffee up in a lidded container with plenty your milk or cream and plenty of sugar and ice it dissolves great. Plus it's really foamy.


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